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Tinder for Jews: How are apps changing our perspectives on dating?Contributed by Kayla Reisman on 11/16/14 Tinder or J-Swipe: the Guide to the Perplexed Wednesday, November 19th at 7 pm in the Fishbowl in Campus Center. Read more . . . (62 words)
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Join us, as Krystil speaks about the importance of reducing meat consumption, and presents the benefits of participating in the Meatless Monday program. Krystil's presentation will also be accompanied by a cooking demonstration with Executive Chef, JJ Molina. Not too mention, that delicious, free samples of a tasty vegan dish will be on hand! Read more . . . (46 words) Join the Allegany River Dancers on Thursday! Dinner, Dancing, and More!Contributed by Don Austin on 11/16/14
The Allegany River Indian Dancers are a Native American dance group that showcases the traditional songs and dances of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Indians. The general performances incorporate many aspects of Native American culture. The Seneca language and culture pertaining to the origin of the songs and dances are shared in the program narratives. All performers wear traditional Native American regalia. All the music is performed live and the show is as educational as it is entertaining. One highlight of the show is the Iroquois Smoke Dance, a very fast contest dance. Also featured is the Hoop Dance, a beautiful story telling dance in which the dancer uses hoops to make various designs and shapes to represent birds, animals and themes from nature. Read more . . . (23 words) Re-Thinking Thanksgiving Event Tomorrow! Native American Cultural Theme Month!Contributed by Don Austin on 11/16/14
Where: Textor 103 When: Tuesday, November 18, 7:00pm The presentation will discuss the actual events of 1621 including the feast, the relationship between the English settlers and the Wampanoag and how this story became the holiday we know today. The concept of thanksgiving held by many Native Americans will be emphasized throughout. Read more . . . (94 words) Do you want to gain valuable communications experience while helping communicate vital information to the Ithaca College campus? Join SGA's Communications Committee! Read more . . . (133 words) Katherine Jones-Smith of the Hamilton College, Department of Physics gives a talk entitled: Fractals and the Drip Paintings of Jackson PollockContributed by Jill Ackerman on 11/16/14
Physics Fall Seminar Series Read more . . . (184 words)
The Office of Facilities will be accepting sealed bids for one lot of surplus kitchen equipment from November 17 - 21, 2014. For bidding information and photos click the link below.
Read "Team UP: Why working out in groups works" in this month's issue of Student Health 101!Contributed by Nancy Reynolds on 11/16/14
Read this article in November's issue of SH101:
Other articles to check out in this issue include:
Here's the link: Have a good read.
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Read more . . . (90 words) Primitive Pursuits Information Session for Wilderness Skills Training and Certification Tonight!Contributed by Carol Hansen on 11/16/14
Read more . . . (99 words) The Department of English has a limited number of seats still available in these classes: ENGL 21500 Contemporary Topics in Science Fiction; ENGL 21900 Shakespeare; ENGL 31200 Dramatic Literature II; ENGL 32400 Literature of the Bible; ENGL 39000 Metamorphoses: Ovid to Rushdie. ENGL 21900 and ENGL 31200 both convey ICC credit. Read more . . . (897 words) Paul Hansom, Assistant Professor of English, has published three works of fiction, all of which will be available to readers in December.
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Read more . . . (44 words) School of Music Performances | November 17 – December 1Contributed by Jenny Stockdale on 11/16/14
Can't make it? Web-streamed performances are available live and on demand at Check the expanded webcasting schedule for more information! Read more . . . (90 words) Looking to update your LinkedIn photo? Come get your photo taken by ICAMA and make a lasting impression on employers. On Wednesday, November 19, pay just $3 to have a color and black & white headshot taken! The photo shot will take place in BUS 301 from 5pm-8pm. Ithaca College Gerontology Institute with the Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center presents "Life Review of Generative Contributions" on Monday, December 1, from 2:00-4:30 p.m. at the Country Inn and Suites, 1100 Danby Road. This workshop is free for IC students, faculty, and staff, but registration is required. Visit to register and for more information. Read more . . . (131 words) Why Asian-American Studies Matters w/ Prof. NguyenContributed by Bud-Erdene Gankhuyag on 11/16/14
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“Cooperation and conflict in pollination networks: the role of foraging behavior” 4:00 p.m. Part of the Department's Seminar Series. Everyone is welcome to attend! Meet for beverages & goodies at 3:45 View other IC Events here. Read more . . . (26 words) Nov 19 (WED) 730pm, Textor 101; Grassroots Constructing Peace in Colombia: People's Congress talk and Q&A with Marylen SernaContributed by Patricia Rodriguez on 11/16/14
Marylen also serves as a spokeswoman for Congreso de los Pueblos (CdP), which a social and political movement in Colombia that resists extractive policies with military backing that lead to displacement, and establishes multiple grassroots legislative processes that focus on the defense of life, protection against confiscation of land and destruction of communities, environmental and economic sustainability, national sovereignty, and peace with social justice.
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