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ITS will soon be upgrading the college’s academic network SPSS license to version 21, and will send out renewal messages to all SPSS users by late May - early June.  

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A farewell reception for Stéphane Jean-Baptiste and Holly Archer has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, 2013 from 2:00-3:00pm in the second floor atrium of the Park Center for Business and Sustainable Enterprise.

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The Spring 2013 Newsletter is a collection of articles written by Wellness Clinic student and professional staff.

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Pamela Ameigh, IC Toastmasters Club member and Southern Division Governor for District 65 Toastmasters, presented "What's In Your Bag?" at the club's District Spring Conference held in Rochester, New York on May 4. She challenged her audience to collect and use appropriate tools to turn perceived or potential emergencies into opportunities.

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The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) has elected School of Music students Jillian Francis (’14) and Grace Dermerath (’15) to sit on its Collegiate Executive Board for the 2013-14 academic year.

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During a very brief trip to Russia this past week, Jorge Grossmann, assistant professor at the School of Music, attended the world premiere of his new piece “Mosoq,” performed at the Moscow Conservatory as part of a concert featuring electroacoustic works. 

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Patricia R. Zimmermann, professor of screen studies and codirector of the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, was an invited speaker at Dartmouth College April 26-27, 2014.

In collaboration with new media designer and director Helen De Michiel (Lunch Love Community project), she presented “Open Space Documentary: A Theory of Transmedia and Collaboration .” The presentation explored a theory of open space transmedia and analyzed large scale collaborative projects that reorganize and recalibrate documentary relations and practices, focusing on works from across the United States and Southeast Asia.

Zimmermann and De Michiel were also featured at the White River Indie Festival in Vermont, with a special workshop and lecture entitled “Open Space Transmedia: Documentary across Platforms, Encounters and Communities.” New media artist Laura Kissel, designer of The Cotton Road Project, was also part of the team. Their participation in WRIF was sponsored by Dartmouth College.

The Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs would like to congratulate the following ALANA students for recognition of their achievement.  These students were nominated and selected for 2013 ALANA Senior Awards and for the African Latino Society (ALS) Alumni Memorial Scholarship.  Recipients were recognized at the OSEMA Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 29, 2013 and the ALS Senior Celebracion held on Monday, May 6, 2013.

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The last student driver safety class for the semester is being offered Tuesday, May 14, 2013 from 7-9pm in Textor 102.  Seats are still available...Register Now!

You may register on-line for the class at: 

If you are a student and you need to drive a College owned/leased vehicle for any reason, you must attend the full 2 hours of the driver safety class.

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Congratulations to Timothy Berry, the recipient of the 2013 Ithaca College Student Employee of the Year award!

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Associate Professor Cynthia Henderson, Theatre Arts, has been invited to teach and direct at the Beijing New Oriental School in China during the summer of 2013. 

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Class of 2014: It's your time!

Contributed by Erin Smith on 05/07/13 

Interested in planning and organizing events for our senior year? Apply to be on Senior Class Cabinet! Applications will be open until this Sunday, May 12 at 5pm.
Email us for questions!

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This Thursday, May 9, 2013, the Catholic Community celebrates the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord.  Ascension Thursday is a Holy Day of Obligation.  Everyone is invited and welcome to join in the Liturgy of the Eucharist (Mass) on Thursday at 8AM or at 6PM in Muller Chapel!

Let us gather to hear the words of the angel, God's messenger, "...why are you standing there looking at the sky?"  Let's not just stand around!!  It is up to us to live the life and love of Jesus Chirst.  As St. Paul prays, "May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope that belongs to God's call."

The Office of Marketing Communications seeks student graphic designers for Summer 2013 and the 2013-2014 academic year. Designers will work within college brand standards to produce printed materials for on-campus clients. Students can expect roughly 4-5 hours per week, and will be assigned to various clients throughout campus. These positions were formerly listed under Park Design House (PDH).
Applicants must have demonstrated experience with graphic design including knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite; excellent attention to detail; the ability to prioritize projects and meet deadlines; professionalism in working with a client; and the ability to correctly package their work for printing.
Preferred major or minor is CMD or IMC and completion of STCM 11100 Presentation Media and Visual Design, but will accept other candidates who demonstrate desired skills above.
To apply, please send a resume, PDF file that includes 3-5 samples of design work and the completion of the audition piece to by May 20.

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The 2013 exam period has just started, but as of this moment, the Ithaca College Athletic Training Education Program is at 100%, first time BOC pass rate for class of 2013! We still have a few graduating seniors who will be taking the exam in June or July, but as of this writing we are at a 15 for 15 first time pass rate, extending our streak to 46 consecutive first time passes on the national boards for practicing athletic training over the last 3 years! Historically, the national first time pass rate has been around 62-65%, but Ithaca College has averaged over 96% over the last 8 years, and is at 100% for the last 3 years.

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Christopher Toone, Class of 2013 was recently notified by the NATA's Research & Education Foundation that he is the 2013 winner of the Sayers "Bud" Miller Memorial Scholarship for undergraduate athletic training majors.

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Rachel Wagner (Dept. of Philosophy and Religion) has published an article in The Journal of the American Academy of Religion, the flagship journal for the discipline of Religious Studies.

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In mid-April, Nancy Menning presented a paper at the Midwest regional meetings of the American Academy of Religion. "Memorializing complicity: Shi'ite Ashura rites and environmental mourning" explores the Shi'ite Muslim practice of mourning a tragic death in early Islamic history as a possible model for environmental mourning.

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Manage social media accounts, design promotional materials and develop marketing campaigns on next year's Career Services Marketing Team. The Marketing Team builds community awareness of the office by publicizing our services, programs and initiatives.

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Is your Student Organization ready for next semester? Take the Checklist Challenge for some awesome prizes! 

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