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Are there computers or network laser printers in your area scheduled for replacement this Fall under the Technology Renewal Program?

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Thank You!

Contributed by Tanisha Malone on 06/16/06 

Another annual “Day of Learning!” has come and gone … and what a magnificent day – THANK YOU! From the “behind the scenes” folks in Conference & Events, Physical Plant and Recreational Sports, to those who took time and enthusiastically taught and attended the workshops offered throughout the day; you are why Ithaca College is what it is – A Great Place to Work! Again, I would like to thank each and every Ithaca College employee that has made this event a resounding success, and I look forward to next year’s “Day of Learning!”

TCAT will provide free bus service between downtown and Ithaca College for the community fireworks show on Monday night, July 3. This is the tenth year that TCAT (Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit) has offered the service, according to Fran Benedict, chair of the volunteer committee that organizes the annual fireworks shows.

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New ITS Workshop Series

Contributed by Dan Barrow on 06/15/06 

ITS is proud to announce the introduction of the latest series of workshops – Institutional Information Systems! This new set of workshops will teach you about ARGUS and other reporting-related systems on campus.

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Dr. Janice Elich Monroe

Contributed by Lana Morse on 06/15/06 

Dr. Janice Elich Monroe, CTRS Associate Professor in the Department of Therapeutic Recreation and Leisure Services and a Gerontology Institute Faculty Fellow has been selected to be a member of the editorial board for the Gerontology Geriatrics Education Journal.

Still Need a Job this Summer?

Contributed by Beth Blinn on 06/15/06 

The Campus Center Dining Hall is in need of summer workers.

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It is with great sadness that I inform the Ithaca College community of the death of Ken (Foxhole) DeGraff. Ken passed away Saturday, June 10, 2006, at his home in Slaterville Springs, NY.

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A notice provided to TCAT bus riders details a change to Route 11, 12, and 65, effective Monday, June 12. The TCAT bus stop at Textor Hall has moved to the Roy H. Park building.

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The handicap spaces in E lot will be moved while they are running the utilities for the New Business Building from Monday, June 19 to Friday, June 23.

The handicap spaces that are in the northwest section (across from the Textor Flag) of E lot will be moved to the south side of E lot. These spaces will be put back to their original positions when the work is done.

Come and learn more about the plans for the Athletics and Events Center and Gateway Building Projects.

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The Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival (FLEFF) at Ithaca College and the 7th Art Corporation, the non profit organization which operates Cinemapolis and Fall Creek Cinemas downtown, announce the launch of new collaborative partnership, The City Series.

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Construction Update

Contributed by Jackie Hopkins on 06/13/06 

A section E lot, North West of the flagpole will be closed starting June 19 thru June 23. Four handicapped and one temporary parking spaces will be closed during the week for construction purposes.

The RA Training committee is exploring the possibility of hosting a panel discussion of former RAs and Residential Life professionals.

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New Department

Contributed by Diane Kinne on 06/13/06 

It’s official! As of June 1, 2006, the H&S Teacher Education Program and the Center for Teacher Education have merged to form the newest department in H&S and at the College – the Education Department.

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To ensure that College-owned computers are kept as clean and safe as possible from viruses and spyware, ITS is deploying the latest version of McAfee VirusScan with an anti-spyware module.

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There will be four free public concerts associated with the Ithaca College Flute Institute. All will take place in the Hockett Family Recital Hall.

On Sunday, June 25, Institute director Wendy Herbener Mehne, a professor of music performance, will present a recital at 7:00 p.m. in collaboration with pianist Diane Birr.

The flute duo “Zawa!” will perform on Monday, June 26 at 7:00 p.m. Consisting of flutists Jill Felber and Claudia Anderson, they will be joined by pianist Diane Birr.

On Wednesday, June 28 at 7:00 p.m., flutist Leone Buyse and pianist Alpha Hockett Walker will present a recital.

Finally, on Thursday, June 29 at 2:00 p.m., participants in the Institute will present a recital with pianist Diane Birr.

For more information, call 274-3717.

Speech-Language Pathology graduate students Nicole Sgobbo (MS '01) and Anne Coleman (MS '01) participated in a collaborative research project with the occupational therapy program at the Medical School of Ohio.

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Take a look at our newsletter created for users of the financial system in Parnassus! We hope you find it informative and helpful as you work in Parnassus.

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The search committee for the Associate Vice President for Human Resources has diligently reviewed the credentials of over 80 applicants for this position during the spring semester and narrowed the field to three individuals, two of whom have visited the campus.

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On behalf of the Center for Faculty Excellence, I wish to express my great admiration and deep appreciation for the outstanding leadership by our faculty and staff in making this year’s Summer Institute, Implementing the Mission, a great success. More than 70 people participated in at least one session, and the quality of the sessions was excellent. In particular, Michael Smith, Assistant Professor of History and Fellow in the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, provided skillful facilitation of the two viewings of the film Declining by Degrees, and a stimulating, well-designed workshop on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a capstone to the event. He also served as a co-designer of the entire institute.

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