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The Mary Hayes North Piano Recital Competition for Senior Piano Majors will take place on Friday, April 7, at 3:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall. Each contestant will perform a short recital, with the one judged to be the best receiving a cash prize.

Ithaca College will once again host "Fruehling Posaunen" ("Spring Trombones"), an annual gathering of the trombone choirs from Ithaca College, the Eastman School of Music, and Penn State. The free performance will take place on Sunday, April 9, at 3:00 p.m. in Ford Hall. Each choir will perform separately, then join together for a finale. All are warmly invited to attend.

The Ariadne String Quartet, an ensemble in residence at the School of Music, will give a free concert on Sunday, April 9, at 4:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall. Their program will feature the “Lyric Suite” by Alban Berg, and Franz Schubert’s Quintet in C major. They will be joined for the quintet by cellist Heidi Hoffman, a lecturer in music performance at the School of Music.

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A free Ithaca College Jazz Workshop concert will take place on Friday, April 7, at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall. The performance will be led by Steve Brown and graduate assistant Keaton Akins. Pianist Frank Puzzullo will be the featured soloist, and the Vocal Jazz Ensemble will also make a guest appearance.

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Energy Conservation Initiatives

Contributed by Karen McGavin on 04/03/06 

Important notice from:

Peggy R. Williams, president
Carl Sgrecci, vice president, finance and administration
Peter Bardaglio, vice president, academic affairs
Nancy Pringle, vice president, college counsel
Brian McAree, vice president, student affairs and campus life
Shelley Semmler, vice president, institutional advancement

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Bicyclists Wanted

Contributed by Zach Newswanger on 04/03/06 

The Offices of Residential Life and Physical Plant are interested in reviewing the location of bike racks on campus, as well as investigating student interest in bike storage units on campus.

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iMPrint Magazine: College Life's Internet Magazine, broke its record set in Nov. 2005 for visitors in one month during March 2006. This week's issue is already on its way to breaking that new record...

iMPrint will now be updating each week with new content. Students and faculty alike are encouraged to subscribe to iMPrint's weekly newsletter to stay informed.

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NRDC Paper Campaign

Contributed by Andres Perez Charneco on 04/02/06 

Want to improve IC's paper choices? Want to work with one of the largest national environmental defense organizations? Interested in student leadership and activism?

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The Senior Class of 2006 is still seeking student volunteers to work
during Senior Week on May 5 - 14, 2006, and the deadline for volunteer
applications has been extended to Wednesday April 5th at 5 pm.

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Who will receive the first Class of 2006 Scholarship?

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Steve Capus will serve as this year’s Jessica Savitch Distinguished Journalism Lecturer. Capus, the President of NBC News, will be on campus Wednesday, April 5 and will present a public lecture entitled, “Bridging the Gap: Old Media to New Technology.” The lecture is scheduled at 7:30 p.m. in the Park Auditorium.

The annual Jessica Savitch Distinguished Lecture series brings in a broadcast journalist or someone in the broadcast journalism profession to honor alumna Jessica Savitch.

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The Senior Class of 2006 is still seeking student volunteers to work during Senior Week on May 5 - 14, 2006.

The final deadline for volunteer applications is this Wednesday, April 5th at 5 p.m.

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The year-long film series "Out of the Closet and onto the Screen: The Many Meanings of Family" will present its final spring screenings this week. All screenings will take place in Textor 101.

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Use of Security Cameras

Contributed by Brian McAree on 03/31/06 

During the Fall Semester, Brian McAree, vice president for student affairs and campus life, Bob Holt, director of public safety, Bill Ferguson, associate director of public safety, and student representatives from The Erase the Hate Task Force attended meetings of the Student Government Association, Faculty Council, and Staff Council to seek feedback related to the ideas of installing security cameras on campus to assist in the prevention and/or investigation of campus incidents/crimes. In addition, SGA sponsored an open campus forum on this topic on February 8, 2006 during which students took the opportunity to share their views and reactions.

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It's time to tee up and join us in the 13th Annual Jim Butterfield Golf Classic during Alumni Weekend.

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Nominations for Senior Awards

Contributed by Kate Brown on 03/31/06 

The Office of Multicultural Affairs is now accepting nominations for the 2006 Senior Toast Awards. All staff, faculty, and students of Ithaca College are encouraged to nominate deserving ALANA, LGBT and HEOP graduating seniors.

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The Center for Faculty Excellence requests that you register now for the following events:

  • The Successful Tenure and Promotion program, Wednesday, April 26 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. (Light sandwiches will be provided.) Register now for the Successful Tenure and Promotion program.

  • Implementing the Mission, the week-long Institute May 22-26. Open to all, the Institute consists of half-day sessions designed to help participants learn about the implementation of the Core Experience Report within the context of effective course and class design. Register now for Implementing the Mission.

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  • Crispian Steele-Perkins, hailed by critics as "the world's leading performer on the baroque trumpet," will give a free guest master class and recital at Ithaca College on Thursday, April 6. Featuring both familiar and lesser known compositions by Purcell, Handel, Hummel, and Mozart, the public performance will begin at 8:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music. Steele-Perkins will be joined by pianist Irina Feoktistova.

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    On two consecutive evenings, the Ithaca Wind Quintet and the Ithaca Brass will present free recitals in the Hockett Family Recital Hall on the Ithaca College campus. The Wind Quintet will perform on Tuesday, April 4, at 8:15 p.m., the Brass on Wednesday, April 5, at 7:00 p.m.

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    Kadima and Hamas

    Contributed by Melinda Butler on 03/31/06 

    Can they play ball together?

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