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Ithaca College's Department of Theatre Arts presents Voices in the Dark, a student-written romantic drama, by senior B.F.A. acting major Ellen Cribbs. Performances are February 12 and 13 at 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. and will be located in Studio 2 at Dillingham Center. Free tickets may be picked at the box office in Dillingham Center in advance or at the door. For more information call 607-274-3224 or visit

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Don't miss out -- there are still spaces left in the IC Catholic Community Retreat for faculty and staff, scheduled for the evening of Friday, March 17.

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Submitted for: Vicki Estabrook, Director of Employment and Employee Relations

Ithaca College welcomes our new faculty and staff to the campus community.

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"Going Once ..Going Twice…"

Contributed by Lynne Pierce on 02/08/06 

The Senior Class proudly invites all faculty and staff to our 2006 hours celebration.

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Darwin Discussion Continues

Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 02/07/06 

Following the lively and well-attended colloquium on intelligent design last fall, and coordinated with the community-wide Darwin Day celebration, members of our faculty present a film screening, panel, and discussion on Monday February 13, from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center.

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RHA Seeks Feedback

Contributed by Drew Hatton on 02/07/06 

The Residence Hall Association will be in the residence halls looking for feedback on how students feel about living on campus.

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On April 10 through 12, Ithaca College will join five of the most highly-regarded communications schools in New York for the Central New York Communications Consortium at Syracuse University.

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On April 10th through 12th, Ithaca College will join 5 of the most highly-regarded communications schools in New York for the Central New York Communications Consortium held at Syracuse University.

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Do you bridge science and humanities? Consider the 2006 C.P. Snow Scholar Award.

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The Office of Human Resources and the School of Health Sciences & Human Performance are pleased to offer a college-wide, staff development opportunity for February 28, 2006 in Emerson Suite C. Marja L. Freeman, a dynamic speaker with over 15 years experience in employment consulting /career development training, and over 5 years experience in motivational speaking and training, will be on campus to present the following two sessions:

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Do you bridge science and humanities? Consider the 2006 C.P. Snow Scholar Award.

Has your student career at Ithaca College been based on a perspective that bridges science and humanities? Do you believe that sciences and humanities can and should be integrated? You may then be a candidate for the C. P. Snow Scholar Award. The award, which includes a certificate and $500, recognizes a student who has successfully combined scientific and humanistic studies at Ithaca College. Presentation of the award will be made on March 16 at the C.P. Snow Lecture of Manjul Bhargava. C.P. Snow was a British philosopher, physicist, biographer, novelist, and social critic who believed that communication among mainstream scientists, social scientists, and humanists was the greatest avenue to social progress. Each year, Ithaca College sponsors a lecture series and student award that honor this principle.

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PREMED Event: Feb. 17

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 02/07/06 

Eric Gaier '05, 1st year med student at UConn will meet with interested students. Take this
opportunity to learn about the medical profession and navigating admission to medical school from someone
with experience.

Drop in anytime between 12:30-2:00 p.m
Pizza and drinks provided.
RSVP by Wednesday, February 15 to Nancy Pierce,

Contributed by Tanisha Graves for Cindy Reckdenwald, Director of Compensation & Organizational Design

As you know the College has engaged Karen Hutcheson, Senior Consultant from Sibson/Segal, to assist us in a review of the Compensation Program for staff and administration. On January 31, 2006 and February 1, 2006, a series of group sessions were held to allow staff from all areas of the College the opportunity to learn more about the project, provide feedback on how our current program is viewed and to help us identify areas in need of change.

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Jenni Schaefer, author of Life Without E: How One Woman Declared Independence from her Eating Disorder and How You Can Too will share her personal story on Monday, February 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge. This presentation is open to students, staff, faculty, and community members. Jenni will do a book signing following her presentation.

Jenni Schaefer, author of "Life without Ed: How One Woman Declared Independence from her Eating Disorder and How you Can Too" will share her personal story on Monday night, Febryary 13th, 7:00 p.m., Clark Lounge.

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Brent Katzmann, Ithaca Green Building Alliance, presents this seminar.

4:00 p.m.
CNS 112

Everyone is welcome to attend!
Refreshments beforehand* (3:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.) in first floor lobby.

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Phonathon is a fun and easy way to help accepted students learn more about Ithaca College from friendly and credible resources!!!

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Join IC After Dark and SAB for a night filled with gambling, match-making, food and rommance

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Student Government sponsors trip to Albany for Independent Sector Student Lobby Day!

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AIDS Memorial Quilt

Contributed by Erica Shockley on 02/06/06 

The AIDS Working Group is bringing the AIDS Memorial Quilt to Ithaca College again. Look for the display in Emerson Suites February 19 to 22. We are also seeking volunteers to help and offering group facilitated viewings.

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