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Nancy Rader, Professor of Psychology, gave a presentation in July as an invited symposium discussant at the tenth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, held at Berlin’s Freie University. She gave a theoretical analysis of issues raised in the symposium and spoke about her current research on infant language development.

General Administrative Services and the purchasing department announce a new ordering procedure for plain copier/printer paper and non-printed envelopes for next-day, desk-top delivery.

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TIAA-CREF Counseling Session

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 09/01/05 

Contributed for: Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits

The Office of Human Resources would like to announce that we are having an extra TIAA-CREF Individual Counseling Day on Friday, September 23rd.

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From: Peggy Williams

As you know, the President's Council commissioned a study of work-life issues for staff and administration this past spring to address the Quality of Work Life (QWL) priority in the institutional plan.

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The Ithaca College Natural Lands Committee will be holding its first meeting of the year on Wednesday, September 7, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm, in the Campus Center conference room.

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A total of 103 Ithaca athletes have been named to the Empire 8 Presidents' List for the spring 2005 semester. Athletes named to this list must have earned a GPA of at least 3.75 while displaying positive conduct. Ithaca's 103 President's List selections were the most ever recorded by a conference member and represented 23 of Ithaca's 25 sports.

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The CNS Sustainability Group has just published a list of sustainability-related research projects available for this academic year (see the link on our web page

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The new sports information website is up and running at

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Call for Colloquium Proposals

Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 08/31/05 

This is the annual call for proposals for the Faculty Development Colloquium Series for 2005-2006.

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The September HSR proposal submission deadline to the provost's office has been revised. It is now Monday, September 5, 2005 (not Friday, September 9).

The Business School is proud to annouce that the National Office of Sigma Iota Epsilon awarded its coveted National Chapter-of-the-Year Award to the Zeta Iota Chapter at Ithaca College for 2004-2005.

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In the wake of the recent tragedy of hurricane Katrina, the College would like to organize a coordinated relief effort involving students, faculty, and staff.

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Interested in helping out the community while meeting great people and having fun? Did you just participate in Community Plunge? Are you looking to make a difference in someone’s life?

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Important Time Sensitive Driver Information:
Faculty and staff who may have reason to drive College-owned or rented vehicles must arrange to have their driving record checked once every two academic years (not calendar years).

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The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of “Tradition and Innovation: Plaster and Page,” curated by Cheryl Kramer and Nancy Ramage, on Thursday, September 1.

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The information technology long range strategic plan developed by the Information Technology Planning and Advisory Committee (ITPAC) is now available for review on the ITPAC website,

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John Confer gave three presentations at the Golden-winged Warbler Conservation Workshop in Siren, WI. These presentations were based on long-term studies of a nationally-unique population of golden-winged warblers conducted with many summer research students. These results helped formulate national research and conservation goals for this species, one of the rarest and most rapidly declining species in eastern United States.

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Cellist Dennis Parker, with School of Music faculty pianist Jennifer Hayghe, will perform a program of "Stolen Sonatas"--works originally composed for other instruments that Parker has transcribed for cello. The free concert will be at 7:00 pm on Thursday, September 8, in the Hockett Family Recital Hall.

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Marina Caillaud presented a poster entitled, “A molecular approach to the induction of host specificity in the sensitivity of sensilla styloconica in the larvae of Manduca sexta”. The presentation was at the Annual Meeting of the International Chemical Ecology Society, Washington, DC.

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Journalist Bill Moyers will serve as the 2005-2006 Park Distinguished Visitor. Moyers will be at Ithaca College September 13-15, giving a public lecture as well as a question and answer session for members of the Ithaca College community.

Public Lecture: “Moyers On America”
Tuesday, September 13, 7:30 pm
Ben Light Gymnasium, Hill Center
A reception and book signing will directly follow. Books will be available for purchase at the lecture.

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