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As you may be aware, the U.S. Congress has been working on the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA) for nearly two years. We have learned that Congress anticipates finishing their work on the HEA very soon, and your voice is important.

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Community Plunge 2005

Contributed by Deborah Mohlenhoff on 07/20/05 

Not too late to apply!

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A manuscript co-authored by Dr. James Connor (Penn State College of Medicine), Michael Haaf (IC chemistry department), and IC undergraduates Erin Grosstephan and Henry Schierembergg was accepted and published in the peer-reviewed journal Glia in June 2005.

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Please join the staff of the Offices of Residential Life and Judicial Affairs on August 2 in saying farewell to Dan Gockley, assistant director for operations for Residential Life.

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After a long application and interview process, William D. Ferguson has been named associate director of the Ithaca College Office of Public Safety (OPS)

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Christopher Harper taught at Ithaca College from 1997 until last May and served as the first Park Distinguished Chair of Communications. He has now moved to Temple University in Philadelphia, where he has been appointed to the Department of Journalism and granted tenure.

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Yankee Bus Trip Info

Contributed by Susanna Stumpe on 07/17/05 

Hey Yankee Fans!! Join us for our bus trip to the Yankees vs. Kansas City home game.

Saturday, August 27, 2005 (game time 1:05 pm)
$75/ person (includes bus fare and game ticket)
Payment due: August 19, by 4:00 pm.
Open to Ithaca College faculty, staff, students, friends, and family.

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Allison Woodard (art, '07) was crowned the new "Ithaca Idol" at the Ithaca Relay for Life July 8-9. One of eight contestants, Allison sang two numbers by Stevie Wonder and won the popular vote by receiving the most dollar votes after the contest.

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IC Hope Team a Huge Success!

Contributed by Lynne Pierce on 07/14/05 

On July 8-9, a team of 37 Ithaca College faculty, staff, students, alumni, family and friends participated in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life Tompkins County 2005 as part of the IC Hope team. Despite the rainy weather, a number of other IC Community members stopped by the Ithaca High School track to walk, talk, and support the team.

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With a nod to the ancient poet, the new student information system has been officially named Homer. “We wanted a name that could be fun, easy to remember, and had some unique connection to the College,” said steering committee chair Chris Knauer.

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Heinz Koch, Chemistry, will be presenting "Proton Transfer Between Carbon Acids and Methanolic Sodium Methoxide, Kinetics and Calculations", co-authored by Vincent DeTuri, at the 17th International Symposium in Shanghai, China.

Darius J. Conger Presents Paper

Contributed by Tina Bennett on 07/14/05 

Darius J. Conger (economics) presented a paper entitled "Is there an Earnings Payoff to Timely Degree Completion? Wages and Work Before and After the Undergraduate Degree" at the 45th annual Association for Institutional Research forum in San Diego, California, on May 31, 2005.

Susan is pleased to announce their recent publication. The article is co-authored by a former student, Mihai Aldea.

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Best Wishes to Hugh Rowland

Contributed by Patricia Green on 07/13/05 

In a post-Summer Orientation, Tower Club celebration on Wednesday, July 13, the assistant/associate dean group gathered to honor colleague and friend, Hugh Rowland, associate dean, School of Business.

Hugh is leaving Ithaca College for a new professional opportunity in South Carolina.

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Career Services wishes to inform the community that as of September 5, 2005, we will no longer be producing Jobline, our weekly job and internship bulletin. We have been using an excellent on-line resource, eRecruiting, for several years and have decided that it is time to transition all opportunities into this system.

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The Office of Judicial Affairs is currently seeking staff and faculty justices for the 2005-6 academic year

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As a reminder, all Ithaca College employees are invited to our traditional summer ice cream social on
Thursday, July 21 from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. on the Campus Center quad. (Rain location: IC Square)

Supervisors are asked to make this information and opportunity available for all employees.

Library Staff News

Contributed by Lisabeth Chabot on 07/12/05 

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It is with a great deal of sadness that I inform the College community of
the death of Jerry Giovinco. Jerry was employed by Sodexho and served
the IC community as chef of the kosher kitchen.

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Accrual Form

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 07/12/05 

Submitted for: Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits

The Office of Human Resources is pleased to announce the availability of two electronic accrual forms. The forms and instructions are available directly at:

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