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Learn to Row

Contributed by Becky Robinson on 06/03/05 

U.S. Rowing has declared Saturday, June 11, 2005, National Learn to Row Day. The Ithaca College coaching staff will be offering a learn-to-row program at the Haskill Davidson boathouse from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Please contact Becky Robinson at 4-3145 or if you are interested.

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Services Slated for Keith Lee

Contributed by David Maley on 06/03/05 

Calling hours will be held on Saturday for Sergeant Keith Lee, a 25-year veteran of the Ithaca College Office of Public Safety who passed away at his home earlier this week.

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Thank You!

Contributed by Brian McAree on 06/03/05 

Now that Commencement has come and gone and the campus is much quieter, I wanted to thank everyone who played a role with Commencement this year.

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Join the Office of Public Safety, members of the Student Auxiliary Safety Patrol, and other Ithaca College community members on Saturday, June 4, from 11:00 a.m. to noon in the Center for Public Safety and General Services, as they dedicate the public safety conference room and emergency operations center in memory of Norm Wall, a longtime employee and former associate director of public safety.

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On Monday, June 6, La Vincita will open for the summer as the Food Court closes for an extensive face lift. La Vincita, in IC Square across from the Food Court, is known for its Starbucks coffee and Sandella's pizza, wraps, and panini.

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On May 15, the Ithaca College Board of Trustees approved two changes to Volume IV, Policies and Procedures Pertaining to Faculty, of the Ithaca College Policy Manual.

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It is with a great deal of sadness that I inform the campus community of the sudden death of sergeant Keith Lee, a longtime employee in the Office of Public Safety. Keith passed away this morning at his home in Dryden at the age of 48.

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The bursar's office service windows will be closed on Thursday, June 2, in order to allow all staff to participate in a yearly planning session. Student workers will be on hand to answer phone calls in our absence. Normal hours will resume on Friday, June 3.

Janet Williams '05 has been awarded a Fulbright grant to teach, study, and work in Spain for the 2005-2006 academic year. Janet will be teaching English as a foreign language at a Spanish public school, and will be working at a Women's Center helping with issues and concerns that face women in contemporary Spanish society.

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Ithaca College has become the first school to repeat as NCAA Division III Women's Crew champions by winning their second straight title Friday and Saturday at the NCAA Championships at Lake Natoma, Calif.

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The InterFaith Council, which is a committee of the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life at Ithaca College, is seeking an undergraduate student intern for its InterFaith initiatives. This 10-hour per week paid internship will provide the student with opportunities to learn about InterFaith's work at Ithaca College as well as provide intensive student leadership training and opportunities. Supervision is provided by the InterFaith Council chair.

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The Ithaca College family picnic is scheduled for Saturday June 11, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., rain or shine. Order your tickets now on line at

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Food Fight!

Contributed by Anne Woodard on 05/26/05 

Trying to lose weight, tone up, and fit back into that nice outfit you bought three sizes ago? Relax -- you don't have to fight food to get there. Let Weight Watchers show you how to do it the fun and easy way!

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Discounts for IC Employees

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 05/26/05 

The Office of Human Resources would like to remind you about our discount page. This website will enable you to find out what current discounts and/or promotions are available to IC employees. For additional information please go to our website at: The actual discount flyers, coupons, etc. will be maintained in the foyer of the Administration Annex.

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The informal education and support group for employees dealing with caregiving issues continues to meet the first Friday of each month. The group was established by the Gerontology Institute together with the Office of Human Resources.

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ITS would like to notify users of college-owned Windows XP computers about a software update that will be installed automatically beginning on Wednesday, June 1.

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Smoothies on the Deck III

Contributed by Debra Meeker on 05/25/05 

It is that time of year again, time to kick back and relax with a Freshens Smoothie. Dining Services is excited to present the third annual Smoothies on the Deck event. This event is free and open to the entire IC community.

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The opening weekend PIECES program is returning this year and needs faculty and staff volunteers to help orient the new first year students.

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In order to better administer the technology renewal process, we’ve enhanced the website to make it easy for you to update your asset information.

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Academic Calendar

Contributed by Christopher Knauer on 05/23/05 

The approved academic calendars for the 2005-6 and the 2006-7 academic years may be found on the registrar's website at: