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Premium Blend

Contributed by Verna Brummett on 10/22/03 

Premium Blend, IC's women's a cappella ensemble, will present a concert this Saturday at 9:00 p.m. in Ford Auditorium. The concert is free and open to the public. CDs will be on sale following the concert.

Contributed by Verna Brummett

In addition to a hectic academic schedule, the graduate physical therapy students on the Rochester campus have been involved in a wide range of community service activities during September and October.

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Emerson Suites Audio Showcase

Contributed by Phil Huber on 10/21/03 

The Office of Conference and Event Services is looking for ways to enhance our collaboration with academic and other administrative offices on campus.

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The Ithaca College Community Service Program has entered a formal partnership with Boxtops Ithaca. We are encouraging all faculty, staff, and students to collect the "Boxtops for Education Labels" and turn them in to 319 Egbert Hall.

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This year's Volunteer Fair will be held on Tuesday, October 28, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Campus Center Lobby and Emerson Suites.

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On Monday, November 3, the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute's Distinguished Speaker Series will present Paul R. Katz, M.D. Dr. Katz will be speaking at 7:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites on "Aging, Frailty, and Disability."

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A symposium -- "An Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue: The Path to a Just Peace" -- will be held on Wednesday, October 29, 7:00-8:30 p.m., in Textor 102. Following the symposium there will be a reception 8:45-10:00 p.m. in Klingenstein Lounge.

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Confer, John L. and Sarah M. Pascoe, 2003. The avian community on utility rights-of-way and other managed shrublands in northeastern United States. Special publication of Forest Ecology and Management.

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Biology Seminar

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 10/20/03 

Rita Miller, University of Rochester
"Orienting the mitotic spindle: motors, linkers and the cytoskeleton"
October 23, 4:00 p.m. in room 112 CNS. Everyone is welcome to attend!

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Bill Sheasgreen, director of Ithaca College's London Center, will be visiting campus at the end of this week to assist with orientation for the spring 2004 group of students.

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Ithaca College will host a conference on the use of technology in the humanities May 24-26, 2004. We are actively soliciting proposals for individual papers and conference sessions on any topic concerning the theory and application of technology in a humanities educational context.

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Described by American Record Guide as "nothing short of stunning," Rhythm & Brass -- a group of six versatile musicians -- will give a free concert at Ithaca College on Sunday, October 26. The performance, entitled "On Your Radio Dial," will begin at 3:00 p.m. in Ford Hall in the Whalen Center.

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Wednesday Coffee on October 22 features Deborah Martin, current chair of the all-college Academic Policies Committee. Come to the McDonald Lounge of the Campus Center any time between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday for a cup of coffee or tea and some insight into College governance.

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Katharine Kittredge shares her creative experience with student-centered learning; Susanne Morgan shares her strategies for efficient student-centered grading in the two Faculty Development Colloquia this week. Details can be found below and at the Center for Faculty Excellence:

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Robert Beaser, professor and chair of the composition department at the Juilliard School, will be the focus of two October events at Ithaca College as the School of Music's 2003-4 Karel Husa Visiting Professor of Composition.

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Last call for veterans who would like to be recognized in the program of the Ithaca College Veterans Day celebration, November 11.

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Faculty Art Show

Contributed by Cheryl Kramer on 10/17/03 

The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of the 2003 Ithaca College Faculty Art Show on Monday, October 20. Featuring work by faculty in the art, art history, cinema and photography, and the television-radio departments, the exhibition highlights the diversity of contemporary art practices at Ithaca College.

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Publication by Marc Servetnick

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 10/17/03 

Recent publication by Marc Servetnick, biology:

Zhang L, El-Hodiri H, Ma HF, Zhang X, Servetnick, MARC, Wensel TG, Jamrich M. 2003. Targeted expression of the dominant negative FGFR-4a in the eye using Xrx1A regulatory sequences interferes with normal retinal cell development. Development 130:4177-4186.

Contributed by Nancy Pierce

Two courses that have been offered as experimental courses in the past are now listed in the catalog and carry a Gen Ed designation. Class 666-31200 Health Care and Culture is a two-credit course that will be offered on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the spring semester. This course investigates the role of ethnicity, race, religion, and socio-economic status in shaping the health-related beliefs and behaviors of individuals through readings and discussion.

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There are still over 75 student-athletes available to handle a task for you on the weekend of November 1 and 2. To rent a rower, call 4-1266 or e-mail your request to

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