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Ithaca Crew Wins State Title

Contributed by Michael Warwick on 05/05/03 

The Bombers men's and women's crew programs won the overall points trophy at this weekend's New York State Collegiate Championship Regatta, held at Whitney Point. The overall points trophy, which is earned by the combined results of all of a school's men's and women's boats, has gone to Ithaca in 10 of the past 11 years. Ithaca won gold medals in the men's second varsity eight, women's second varsity eight and women's novice eight races.

Contributed by Michael Warwick

The Ithaca women's lacrosse team has been selected to play in the NCAA playoffs. The Bombers (14-2) will play a regional semifinal game against Williams at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 12 at Middlebury. Middlebury will play either Bridgewater State or Wheaton in the other regional semifinal on Saturday, with the two winners playing on Sunday in the regional championship.

Contributed by Michael Warwick

Andys Smith -- Publication

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 05/05/03 

New publication by Andy Smith, biology:
ANDREW M. SMITH, "The structure and function of adhesive gels from invertebrates" Integrative and Comparative Biology 42: 1164-1171.

Contributed by Nancy Pierce

Adrian Sherman
Adrian Sherman, director of the Office of International Programs, will be leaving Ithaca College at the end of this academic year to pursue new professional opportunities.

The campus community is cordially invited to a reception in his honor --
Wednesday, May 21,4:00-6:00 pm
Office of International Programs (Muller 214).

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Michael Haaf -- Address

Contributed by Maria Russell on 05/02/03 

Michael Haaf, chemistry, presented the keynote address at the Utica College Undergraduate Research Symposium: "The Fellowship of the Rings; the First Chapter in an Undergraduate Reaserch Program in Chemistry."

Contributed by Maria Russell

Join the OMA staff on Saturday, May 17, noon-2:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites for our ALANA Senior Class Reception.

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IC Family Picnic

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 05/02/03 

The Ithaca College family picnic is scheduled for Saturday, June 7, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. rain or shine. Activities this year include live music, kids games, bingo, hourly employee drawings beginning at 11:00 a.m., McGruff the Crime dog, children's toy table, a dunking booth (to raise money for IC HOPE team for the Relay for Life) and other fun activities.

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Reading by members of the Department of Writing Faculty
Monday, May 5, 7:00 p.m.
Klingenstein Lounge, Campus Center

The event is to benefit the Literacy Volunteers of Tompkins County. Readers will be: Diane McPherson, Cory Brown, Roger Hecht, Joan Marcus, Mary Beth O'Connor, Sarah Jefferis, Bob Klier, Fred Wilcox, and David Flanagan. A small reception will follow the words.

Contributed by Lynn Roberts

On April 16, Ithaca College hosted the fifth annual Take a Child to Work Day, an event organized in conjunction with the Ms Foundation's "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work"® Day. Over 30 children and 20 adults attended this year's exciting program. On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to extend our thanks to you for creating a successful program this year.

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Nesting mallard
To get this close to a nesting mallard, don't walk up; use a zoom lens.
Nesting mallard ducks and Canada geese, curious young raccoons, wandering skunks, grazing deer -- these are just a few of the wild species Ithaca College students and staff encounter as the weather warms.

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Grant Symposium, May 12

On behalf of the College's Academic Funding and Sponsored Programs unit, I am pleased to invite you to a session to learn about funding possibilities for your current and future scholarly endeavors. The program is designed for those of us who "think" about outside funding opportunities, but are reluctant to apply, or who have tried with limited success.

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All users of the IC email system:

The email servers will be down for maintenance as follows:

Monday, May 12, from 5:15-9:00 pm
Thursday, May 15, from 5:15-9:00 pm

If you have any questions, please contact the ACCS Helpdesk 4-3282.

Contributed by Karen Sunderland

We are pleased to invite all members of the campus community to the keynote address by Ronald A. Williams at the Summer Faculty Institute on Multicultural Teaching and Curriculum Transformation.

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Just a reminder, as you are finishing up the semester -- please clean up your Ithaca College e-mail account.

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Instructional Support Services

Contributed by David Weil on 04/30/03 

Do you have a project for ISS this summer?

Last October, Academic Computing and Client Services (ACCS) launched a new initiative for faculty called Instructional Support Services (ISS). Since then, ISS has worked with over a dozen faculty members to develop custom-built multimedia projects.

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John Confer, biology, presented "Managing Utility Rights-of-Way for Declining Shrubland Birds" at an invited one-hour presentation to the annual meeting of the Vegetation Control Service for Northeastern Utilities in Amherst, MA.

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IC Hope Team Meeting
Noon, Tuesday, May 6
North Meeting Room, Campus Center

The Community Service Program is pleased to announce that recruitment is beginning for this year's American Cancer Society Relay for Life.

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The Office of First Year Programs and Orientation, in collaboration with faculty and staff members across campus, is developing a pilot outdoor adventure program for new students this August.

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Senior Week is almost here! We would like to inform all faculty and staff about the many ways you can be involved with Senior Week 2003.

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Campus Life Awards Reception

Contributed by Margaret Adams on 04/29/03 

The Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life at Ithaca College cordially invites the campus community to a reception honoring the 2003 Campus Life Award recipients. Please join us on Saturday, May 17, 2003, at 4:00 p.m. in the Campus Center, Emerson Suite C.

Contributed by Margaret Adams