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Information Technology is pleased to announce that the Service Desk now has a call waiting (hold) feature in addition to the option to leave a voice mail message. Read more . . . (186 words)
Read more . . . (51 words) RSVP for the Annual ALANA Academic Achievement Awards Banquet - Saturday evening, September 16, 2017 at 6:00pm Emerson SuitesContributed by Yolanda Clarke on 08/19/17
Read more . . . (81 words) Presidential Transition Team Update and All-College Gathering ReminderContributed by Jennifer Campbell on 08/18/17 Greetings! The Presidential Transition Team has been meeting regularly over the summer, and we are working closely with President Collado to help her make a smooth and successful entry into Ithaca College. A few reminders and updates: Read more . . . (596 words) Center for Civic Engagement is looking for Student DriversContributed by David Harker on 08/18/17 The Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) is seeking students who are interested in serving as program drivers for a variety of IC service-learning initiatives occurring in and around Tompkins County. Read more . . . (102 words) TVR Professor, Chrissy Guest, Presented and Moderated Panel at UFVAContributed by Karen Armstrong on 08/18/17 Chrissy Guest, Department of Media Arts, Sciences, and Studies, presented and moderated a panel discussing inclusive teaching techniques and trends in film and television production courses at the University Film Video Association conference in Los Angeles. Guest presented preliminary findings from a survey study she conducted with the Animation Guild of America and Women in Animation organization. The survey study examined the classroom environment for students pursing animation career paths. Guest’s study was recognized as an area which has been overlooked by gender and minority research studies in the past.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017 4:00pm-6:00pm in IC Square (Campus Center)
Read more . . . (25 words) The J.J. Whalen Staff Scholar Award Committee is currently accepting scholarship applications for the fall 2017 semester; the deadline for applying is Friday September 15, 2017Contributed by Don Austin on 08/17/17 Established in 1997 to honor president emeritus James J. Whalen, the award of up to $500 per semester during the 2017-2018 year, is granted to eligible staff members in a degree program at Ithaca College. Read more . . . (73 words)
Read more . . . (56 words) Institutional Review Board (IRB) Meetings and Submission DatesContributed by MaryAnn Taylor on 08/17/17
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for reviewing all College research and teaching activities conducted by faculty, staff, and students that involve the use of human subjects. If you are uncertain whether your project requires review, or if you plan to submit an IRB proposal in the coming semester, please visit the webpage at Institutional Review Board on Human Subjects Research. You will find application forms, examples and instructions, proposal submission deadlines, committee meeting dates and a listing of members. Read more . . . (69 words) It seems that our country is going through some changes that will affect everyone. When Sept. 11 2001 happened a group of IC faculty headed by me organized a teach-in class at Ithaca College and it helped many students understand what is going on. It seems timely to organize again something similar. Read more . . . (168 words) School of Business Associate Dean, Rasoul Rezvanian, was recently published in the August 2017 issue of Finance Research Letters. The article, "An examination of Investors’ reaction to the announcement of CoCo bonds Issuance: A global outlook," offers an analysis of contingent convertible bonds. Read more . . . (199 words) The Office of the Registrar is pleased to announce that students can now access all our forms from a single web page. On the Registrar’s Office website, the “Student Forms” page now lists our forms as direct links to IC WorkFlow, HomerConnect, or pdf documents. Also, the Name / Gender Change form has been split into separate forms: “Change of Gender” and “Name Change.” For questions or additional information, please call our office at (607) 274-3127 or email
Read more . . . (183 words) Grants allow Randi Millman-Brown to pursue research in NorwayContributed by Jennifer Jolly on 08/16/17 This past summer Randi Millman-Brown (Visual Resources Curator) received an ACE grant and a staff-development grant to conduct research in Norway for her historical novel set in Norway and Germany during WWII. Read more . . . (102 words) Small Grants Program for Course Development or RedesignContributed by Kate Castle on 08/16/17 Are you developing or redesigning a course that incorporates or is focused on issues of equity, diversity, or inclusion or concerns international/cultural issues? If so, please consider applying for the CFE small grant for course development. Read more . . . (165 words) Information Technology and Travel Services are currently working on a new online Travel Authorization process designed for IC Workflow. This will eliminate the existing paper process. Travelers or travel arrangers will be able to log in with their Netpass credentials and complete travel authorizations for domestic and international travel. Please note that international travelers will still be required to register their trip with the Office of International Programs in addition to completing the new Travel Authorization Form. Read more . . . (176 words) Formerly known as The Diversity Awareness Committee, the Diversity Awareness Funding Committee (DAFC) is now a supplemental funding resource for the campus community working to support Inclusive Excellence through programs and events at Ithaca College. Read more . . . (140 words) The J.J. Whalen Staff Scholar Award Committee is currently accepting scholarship applications for the fall 2017 semester; the deadline for applying is Friday September 15, 2017.Contributed by Don Austin on 08/15/17 Established in 1997 to honor president emeritus James J. Whalen, the award of up to $500 per semester during the 2017-2018 year, is granted to eligible staff members in a degree program at Ithaca College. Read more . . . (73 words) Exploring Musical NY - Interested in learning about the classical performing arts but don’t know where to begin?Contributed by Peter Rothbart on 08/15/17 Exploring Musical New York (MUNM 25400) is a Block 1 course designed to introduce the curious student to Broadway, opera, jazz, orchestral music and ballet by learning about specific pieces and then experiencing them live in New York over Fall Break. This year we will study and go to live performances of a Broadway show, the Metropolitan Opera, the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, the American Ballet Theater and jazz’s famed Birdland. No musical knowledge is expected, but excitement, enthusiasm and a desire to experience and appreciate great performances by the world’s best artists is the only prerequisite. Students must be available to travel to NY over fall break. The lab fee of $650 covers all transportation to and from NY, hotel accommodations and all tickets. Register now or contact Peter Rothbart, for more details. Class times are M, W 5:00-5:50 Block I. 2 credits. Read more . . . (1 words) |
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