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Travel Services is pleased to announce a corporate rate agreement with the new Marriott Downtown on the Commons, effective July 1, 2017.
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If any of these services sound helpful, please contact your Personal Assistant today by calling 1.800.327.2255, submitting a request online at, or through the mobile app BalanceGo (available for free in your app store). A “lunchtime” yoga class is being offered Wednesdays beginning July 26 at the Fitness Center from 10:45 to 11:45, is suitable for beginners, those with other than Iyengar yoga experience who wish to learn, and for those with limitations. The class will focus on why props are used in yoga poses and will teach each class member how to work with their limitations, fears and strengths to get the sense of freedom and ease that yoga can bring. Read more . . . (69 words)
Read more . . . (47 words) Submit a program for the Student Leadership InstituteContributed by Samantha Stafford on 07/20/17
Read more . . . (35 words) Reminder: Policies regarding employee's personal mail/packagesContributed by Peter Schlough on 07/20/17 As per Ithaca College Policy 2.12.3 (10), “Only items pertaining to College business may be sent through the campus mail system.” Read more . . . (170 words) LGBT Program Director Quoted in New Publication, Served as AdvisorContributed by Brandi Riker on 07/20/17 Luca Maurer, LGBT Center program director, contributed to a research study conducted by EAB. The project culminated with the publication The Changing Face of the 21st Century Donor: Working With Diverse Alumni Segments, featured in their Advancement Forum. Read more . . . (220 words)
If you’re planning a vacation this summer definitely consider contacting your BalanceWorks Personal Assistant. They are available 24/7 and will find you the best plane tickets, hotel rates and transportation arrangements possible. They will even help you find great places to visit and eat while you’re there! Read more . . . (34 words) In the CNS greenhouse, a strange cactus called a night-blooming cereus is blooming this week. Although the full bloom lasts just a few hours after dark, visitors are welcome to stop by during regular hours to see these spectacular emerging flowers. Read more . . . (131 words) The Facilities Department – working in concert with our colleagues in Procurement – are happy to announce that Ithaca College has partnered with GovDeals to provide IC surplus auction items for online viewing, bidding and purchase. This will help the College reduce storage costs and will take the place of the annual Surplus Sale that was held in the A&E center in past years. Read more . . . (117 words) School of Humanities and Sciences undergraduate research students published their work in a peer-reviewed journal.Contributed by Paula Larsen on 07/19/17 Kaitlyn DeHority (Chemistry & Music ’16), Noah Budin (Chemistry ’18), Samantha Hilston (Biochemistry ’18) and Yongqian (Kelly) Zhang (Chemistry ’14) co-authored a publication with Professor Akiko Fillinger of the Ithaca College Chemistry Department. Deposition of Nickel on Electrodeposited Cu2O at Potentials More Positive than the Nernst Potential of Ni2+/Ni0. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164 (9) H615 -H620 (2017). We are grateful to Ithaca College for the Summer Research Grants for undergraduate students and faculty that supported this work. Please join the Ithaca College International Students Friendship NetworkContributed by Diana Dimitrova on 07/18/17
The Office of International Programs and Extended Studies would like to invite interested faculty, staff and students to join the Ithaca College International Students Friendship Network. We are looking for dedicated IC students, faculty and staff to serve as Cultural Partners for our new international students.
Read more . . . (252 words) The server hardware that runs the site (including Intercom) will be updated on Saturday, July 22. There will be some services unavailable during the upgrade, from 12 a.m. until 7 a.m. In addition to replacing aging hardware, the new infrastructure provides new functionality to improve web services. Read more . . . (110 words) 'The need is constant. The gratification is instant. Give Blood." And now it's particularly acute! An Emergency Call has been issued by the Red Cross and Staff Council is sponsoring a Blood Drive to help out. Wednesday 19 July, Emerson Suites, 8:00 am -2pm is the time - is the day - to donate and help others out. Plan ahead and schedule a time by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit the Red Cross at to sign up. Donors will get a T-shirt as a token of appreciation. It's never too late. Walk-ins are also welcome Read more . . . (57 words) The Office of the Registrar is pleased to announce that students can now submit address changes online. The Change of Address form is located on the Office of the Registrar web page under Student Forms >> Change of Address. Read more . . . (77 words) Asma Barlas, professor of Politics, presented a lecture and a workshop in Granada, Spain, on "Secularizing the Qur'an?" and, "Decoloniality and Internal Colonialism: The Secular Turn in Qur'anic Studies," on July 7th. Both events were part of the annual summer school on Critical Muslim Studies organized by the University of California, Berkeley and the University of Granada ( The Office of Energy Management is pleased to invite the campus community to participate in a webinar and short discussion regarding our sustainability plans for 2017-18. Read more . . . (109 words) Voicethread is Available to Ithaca College Faculty and StudentsContributed by Marilyn Dispensa on 07/16/17
Teaching and Learning with Technology is pleased to announce the availability of an enterprise license for Voicethread. Voicethread is a unique online tool for having asynchronous conversations around media. You can upload, share, and discuss documents, presentations, images, audio files and videos. Students and instructors can comment within Voicethread with voice, drawing, webcam, text, or phone. There are many possibilities for using Voicethread in teaching and learning including practicing listening and speaking languages, student presentations and feedback, discussing or critiquing artwork and media, or creating presence in online courses. Read more . . . (88 words) Racial Battle Fatigue: Shift the Campus Culture to Better Support Racially Marginalized Groups & Challenge Racism On Your CampusContributed by Stephanie St. John on 07/16/17
Read more . . . (115 words) Fall 2017 Technology Renewal questionnaires have been sent to all individuals and area coordinators. Read more . . . (102 words) |
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