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Join the Academic Advising Center for one of our ICC Portfolio Working Sessions. Drop-in anytime between 1 to 3 p.m. on Wednesday 3/22, Thursday 3/23 or Thursday 3/30 at the Academic Advising Center. Bring your laptop! Read more . . . (68 words) Do you want to bring more attention to the student organizations you’re involved with here on campus?! IC Kicks Back is the perfect place for you! Read more . . . (87 words) History students present at Phi Alpha Theta Western New York Regional MeetingContributed by Jonathan Ablard on 03/21/17 Five History majors presented original research at the March 4, 2017 meeting of the Phi Alpha Theta Western New York Regional Meeting.The students presented their research to both their peers and faculty who are experts in the fields. Naomi Hanson won one of six "Best Conference Paper" awards for "A Royal Encounter: Finding Commonality between Pirate Queen Grace O’Malley and Queen Elizabeth I." Read more . . . (108 words) IC American Marketing Association wins multiple national awards.Contributed by Scott Erickson on 03/21/17
Read more . . . (143 words) Get a closer look at SGC! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, March 6th! Read more . . . (3251 words)
Read more . . . (93 words) Interested in trying meditation, or in practicing with others? All are welcome to join a 4-session mindfulness workshop, Fridays 3-4:15 starting April 7. Read more . . . (48 words) Workshop Reminder -- Allyship: What Does It Really Look Like?Contributed by Jaimie Voorhees on 03/20/17 In collaboration with the Office of Programs and Outreach, the weekly D&I Discussion Circle will host a special workshop training focused on how to be an ally with IC alum, Cornell Woodson. Please join us on Wednesday, March 22 at noon (12pm) in the Taughannock Falls Room. Allyship: What Does It Really Look Like? Read more . . . (105 words) Travel Safety Planning in Short-term International Travel with StudentsContributed by Wade Pickren on 03/20/17
Read more . . . (344 words) Dr. Ellie Fitts Fulmer (Education Department) and Dr. Alesha Gayle (University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education) present paper on racial literacy through comedy at Ethnography Forum in PhiladelphiaContributed by Bonita L. Hogben on 03/20/17 Dr. Ellie Fitts Fulmer (Ithaca College, Education Department) and Dr. Alesha Gayle (University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Education) presented a paper at the Ethnography in Education Research Forum at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia last month. Their paper, titled, “LOL? Humor and Racial Literacy in University Classrooms” explores using racial comedy media in college coursework, drawing on a literacy lens for understanding more about this practice. Specifically, Fulmer and Gayle seek to move towards a theory of racial comedy in teacher education, given that this is currently widely practiced in college classrooms absent of a critical framework undergirding it. Read more . . . (72 words) In order to highlight our Fall 2017 course offerings, the Honors program is hosting a community event: The Honors Course Expo will be held Tuesday, March 21 at 4:30 PM in Clark Lounge Read more . . . (54 words)
“The Cradle Will Rock” will be performed on March 28, 30, 31, April 1, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 at 8 p.m., as well as April 2 and 8 at 2 p.m. Tickets are currently available online at or over the phone at (607) 274-3224. Prices range from $8 to $16. You may call or visit the Dillingham Center Box Office Monday-Thursday, noon-5 p.m.; and Friday, noon-4 p.m. Read more . . . (309 words) This Weekend Only: IC Theatre Presents Paula Vogel's, "The Baltimore Waltz"Contributed by Susan Monagan on 03/20/17
Read more . . . (320 words) Professor Srijana Bajracharya publishes an article in the International Journal of Health, Wellness, & SocietyContributed by Tati Herold on 03/20/17 Srijana Bajracharya from the Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education published an article titled, “Knowledge, Perceived Benefits and Barriers of College Employees Regarding Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Screening: A Replication Study” in a peer reviewed journal, International Journal of Health, Wellness, and Society. This paper was presented at the International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society, in Madrid, Spain, in 2015. The purpose of this project was to replicate a previous study and examine current employees’ knowledge and perception regarding CRC issues and find out if there is any difference between the results from two studies. The main reason for this research was to find out what current population’s needs are so that targeted CRC educational workshops can be planned for them. Read more . . . (186 words)
Parenting Skills Workshop Series -- PS: It Works! Communication Skills for All
Learn to talk with your children using the skills: Encouragement, Can Do, Choices, Self-Control and Respecting Feelings. Read more . . . (69 words) Dr. Vanessa R. Mirabito, PT, DPT, OCS, ATC and graduate student researchers from the Department of Physical Therapy are looking for volunteers to participate in a study involving two different taping techniques (kinesio taping) for the treatment of neck pain. Read more . . . (323 words) Project Look Sharp's "Santa Expert" Cyndy Scheibe Helping Keep the Magic Alive: A Reflection on the Macy’s Believe Campaign 3 months laterContributed by Ari Kissiloff on 03/20/17 In the internet age, where a simple Google search can spoil the magic of Santa Claus for kids, Macy’s hoped to fill the World Wide Web with positive affirmations of belief. Cyndy Scheibe, a developmental psychologist from Ithaca College, had conducted her own research on belief in Santa to contribute to Macy’s efforts. Read more . . . (549 words) Critical Health Issues, HLTH 20500 is a 3 credit online Summer Course offered during the May 2017 session. ICC Attribute: Diversity. Social Science. Self and Society. ICC Theme: World of Systems. Do you have health insurance? Should everyone? What are the current conflicts about health care in the US today? Health: the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. And so much more. Health is: nurses, doctors, and hospitals. And so much more...neighborhoods, food, income, education, race, and so much more. Join this class to discuss these issues and more in the context of health. Please contact Stewart Auyash at for more information. Distinguished Visiting Writer Stephen Burt Reads Tuesday, March 28Contributed by Eleanor Henderson on 03/20/17
Read more . . . (203 words) Israel Film Festival ~ 3/25. 3/29, 3/30 ~ Opening Night This Saturday!Contributed by Allison Copquin on 03/20/17
Read more . . . (721 words) |
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