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Take advantage of the more than 350 concerts offered each year by the School of Music. A full listing of all concerts and events is available at and this week's are listed below.

Can't make it? Web-streamed performances are available live and on demand at

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Assistant Professor of Violin Nicholas DiEugenio welcomes distinguished guest pianist Mike Lee to IC for a concert of Mozart Sonatas in honor of the composer's birthday! Featuring a beautiful 5-octave fortepiano made by Philip Belt, a special "classical" violin bow made by Ralph Ashmead, and natural violin strings, this program honors the sonic context of the composer while offering interpretations by 21st century artists for 21st century listeners. Don't miss this rare opportunity to experience this inspiring live music!

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Strange Lines and Distances will exhibit as an installation in the group exhibition “Waves vs. Particles” at the the silent green kulturquartier. His new video work, Remanence I, will be screened as part of the Berlinale's Forum Expanded group program.

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Professor of Double Bass and Early Music, Nicholas Walker, spent the first week of 2013 teaching at the Leipzig Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Germany.  Professor Walker gave five days of classes and individual lessons to a score of double bassists from Germany, Hungary, Turkey, and Japan. Walker helped the students of professor Frithjof-Martin Grabner prepare for and perform a class recital featuring music by Johannes Brahms, Johann Sebastian Bach, Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf, Emanuel Strorch, Franz Simandl, Adolf Misek, and Vilmos Montag.

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 The HOME Program, the Residence Hall Association and Residential Life present the award winning documentary “Bully” by Lee Hirsch on Sunday January 27.  Over 13,000,000 kids will be bullied this year making it the most common form of violence experienced by young people in the nation.  The documentary film, Bully, brings human scale to this startling statistic, offering an intimate, unflinching look at how bullying has touched five kids and their families.

This movie will be open and free to any student living on campus.

Sunday January 27 @ 3pm in Park Auditorium for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors

Sunday January 27 @ 7pm in Emerson Suites for First Year Students


Space is limited, so please arrive early.  

Guy Talk

Contributed by LeBron Rankins on 01/24/13 

Submitted on behalf of student and group organizer, Suleyman Yoruk.

Join us for some "Guy Talk" in the Phillips room in the Muller Chapel at 5:15 pm this Tuesday, where we will discuss what it means to be a man in todays society.  Discussion topics include (and are not limited to) identity, gender and sexual orientation, relationships, friendships and intimacy, hooking up, definitions of masculinity and "doing it right," and pressures to conform to gender role identity. Join the discussion, and bring a friend.

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Career Services has private rooms that you may reserve for a scheduled internship or job interview that is to be held via phone or video-chat.  To reserve a room, visit Career Services to speak with our Administrative Assistant.

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It might be crashing below zero here in Ithaca, New York, but here at the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival, everything is hot and furious as we gear up to mount this year's festival, the 16th edition.

It runs April 1-7, 2013, at Ithaca College and downtown at Cinemapolis. Our theme: mobilities.

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Faculty and students are invited to attend presentations by three candidates who are semi-finalists for the line in Asian-American Studies.  This will be a dual appointment, between the CSCRE and Sociology.  There is also an "open meeting" time slot if you want to meet with the candidates.

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 I am very pleased to announce that Jerry Mirskin, Associate Professor in the Department of Writing, will serve as the next coordinator of the all-college Planned Studies program beginning immediately. 

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 I am very pleased to announce that Thomas Pfaff, Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, will serve as the next director of the all-college Honors program beginning in Fall 2013.

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Posted on behalf of Anthony Hopson

The City of Ithaca has the following construction update that may impact travel for faculty, staff and students.

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The Seniors’ Job Search Coaching Group will provide a supportive environment to discuss job-search concerns, strategies and outcomes.  The group will be made up of 5 to 8 students, who will talk with each other about their personal experiences, reflections, and strategies regarding the job-search process.

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Hello Students!

Sign-ups for Iyengar Yoga and Pilates are now available at the Fitness Center front desk.  Both classes will begin the week of 2/3/13 and run through the end of the semester with skip dates and on holidays.  For additional information on either class please visit the class pages on the Office of Recreational Sports website.

Iyengar Yoga -

Pilates -

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Attn: Dancers!

Contributed by Carolyn Mohn on 01/24/13 

IC Unbound, the largest dance company on campus, will be holding auditions on Sunday, January 27th at 8pm in Hill Center Dance Studio.

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Dr. Evan Lind, University of Toronto

"Immunity to Intracellular Infection: It's all fun and games until someone gets leukemia"

January 31  (pdf)
4:00 p.m.

CNS 112

Part of the Department's Seminar Series.

Everyone is welcome to attend!
Refreshments beforehand* (3:45-4:00pm)
CNS first floor lobby
*Please bring your own reusable mug for beverages. Reuse, reduce, recycle! 

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Dr. Jamal Rossi, the first candidate for the position of Dean of the School of Music will visit the Ithaca College campus on January 28th and 29th.

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Exploring the thermodynamics of a rubber band


David Roundy
Department of Physics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331

Michael Rogers
Department of Physics, Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York 14850 


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SSDP Presents Just Say Know - An honest and interactive discussion about Cocaine and how to stay safe

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 Assistant Professor Donathan Brown, Department of Communication Studies, has accepted an invitation to speak about academic publishing pertaining to race and public policy in conjunction with the National Association of Blacks in Higher Education conference.

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