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Students who need to drive vehicles owned, leased, or rented by the College are required to take a free, two-hour driver safety class, which will be conducted on campus by the College's insurance company this fall on the dates listed below. This policy is strongly recommended by the insurance company in the interest of student safety and sound risk management.

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The Out of the Closet and Onto the Screen film series will offer a showing of Trembling Before G-d, a documentary on Hasidic and Orthodox Jews who are gay or lesbian, on Thursday, October 23. The screening, which is free and open to the public, is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in Textor 102.

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Johanna Baker is the proud recipient of Challenge Industries' Anniversary Award she received in the fall. It was given to her in recognition of her 20 years of service and outstanding employment success in their agency.

Of those 20 years, she has had continuous service in the biology and psychology departments at Ithaca College.

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Paul R. Geisler, Ed.D., ATC, assistant professor and director of athletic training education in the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, and Ed Kelly, M.S., ATC, of Cornell University, collaborated on an article entitled "Groin Pain: A Preventative Approach to Athletic Pubalgia."

The piece is based on their clinical research project with the Cornell men's hockey team, and appears in the October issue of Training and Conditioning magazine. Kelly is the assistant athletic trainer for men's hockey at Cornell.

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The Fitness Center and the Office of Recreational Sports offer free aerobics classes each block to help members of the campus community stay in shape! There are a couple of new classes added to the aerobics schedule. (Stability Ball is back!)

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Premed Event: Monday, October 20

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 10/16/08 

Monday, October 20
LT. Benjamin Wind, D.O., Class of 1997

"The Long Road to Medical School"
4:00-5:00 p.m.
CNS 118

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How should I prepare? What questions should I expect? What questions should I ask? How do things differ over the phone? What about informational interviews, what are those? Why are they important?

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Men's Club Volleyball Tryouts

Contributed by Ivan Dashkov on 10/15/08 

Ithaca College Men's Club Volleyball tryouts are Tuesday, October 21, and Thursday, October 23, from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. in Hill Center Gym 3.

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Ithaca College in the Media

Contributed by Anonymous on 10/15/08 

Quoted in the media: faculty members Jeff Cohen, Margaret Arnold, and Stephen Tropiano. Senior Jeff Bibeau was also quoted.

For more information on the following articles, please visit IC in the Media, Office of Media Relations:

IC in the Media

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The Office of Academic Enrichment Services (AES) is seeking 12 faculty and staff members who are interested in assisting with visioning and building a dynamic student success operation for Ithaca College students.

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As Financial Service's representative for the new standardized address project, as well as being responsible for maintaining the supplier database, I would like to share the following important information regarding the new standardized address format.

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Due to the popular response to the flu shot clinics cosponsored by the Office of Human Resources and the Hammond Health Center, two more sessions have been added to allow benefits-eligible employees to receive flu shots at no cost.

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This is your final opportunity to sign up for a workshop which will focus on the importance and benefits of setting goals, how to write and communicate clear goals, and the positive impact this process has on performance and productivity.

Join us for this 90-minute workshop on Monday, October 20, 1:00-2:30 p.m. in Klingenstein Lounge by calling or emailing Mary Tomaselli (274-3847).

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Internal Catering Price Changes

Contributed by Staci Hall on 10/15/08 

The Office of Conference and Event Services (CES) has made some new updates to the Internal Catering Guide prices.

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Register for the Path of Success Leadership Retreat! You won't want to miss this!

Your registration and attendance at this full day event enters your name into a drawing for a Dell Laptop Computer.

Last day to register is October 21!

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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) History Month is only half over -- there's still time to view a different video each day highlighting a different historical figure!

Throughout the month, the LGBT Center website is featuring videos highlighting different historical figures. Visit the LGBT Center website GLBT History Month Featured Videos section to find a new video each day during October.

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The recreational swim hours will be changing for Block II, starting Monday, October 20.

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This week, the Tower Club will offer lunch buffet on both Thursday, October 16, and Friday, October 17.

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The indoor pool will observe different hours next week during fall break.

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Fitness Center Fall Break Hours

Contributed by Kathy Farley on 10/14/08 

Please note the Fitness Center change in hours during fall break.

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