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Good weather brings thoughts of outdoor fitness, and what better way to get fit than by joining the IC Hope Relay for Life team? Join your friends and co-workers as we walk around the clock at the Lansing High School track July 14 and 15.

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Begining May 18, 2006 the physical therapy graduate program in Rochester will have a new address.

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The Campus Life Award is given each year to a select group of graduating seniors in order to recognize their outstanding contributions to the Ithaca College community through participation and involvement in campus life. Over the years this award has become a coveted goal and valued honor. In order to be nominated for this prestigious award, students must have been extensively involved in a number of areas of campus life and have demonstrated significant leadership abilities and accomplishments.

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Summer Construction Projects

Contributed by Jackie Hopkins on 05/03/06 

The following Summer Construction Projects are to begin:

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Ithaca College is well represented in a just released anthology: "Learning Culture Through Sports: Exploring the Role of Sports in Society," edited by Sandra S. Prettyman and Brian Lampman.

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Recreational Sports is starting off the golfing season this year with the Senior Week Golf Tournament at Hillendale Golf Course.

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New Associate Provost Announced

Contributed by Cindy Neal on 05/03/06 

Submitted on behalf of Peter Bardaglio, provost and vice president for academic affairs.

I am pleased to announce the appointment of David Garcia to the position of Associate Provost, effective June 1, 2006.

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AIDS Ride for Life

Contributed by Erica Weiss on 05/03/06 

Are you thinking about riding a bike this time of year? If so, join the Ithaca College Team for the AIDS Ride for Life. Start training NOW! As a rider, you will have two challenges: raising money for Southern Tier AIDS Program and completing the route you have trained for.

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Ithaca, ranked second nationally, will host this weekend's Empire 8 Championship Tournament after winning the league's regular-season title for the fourth year in a row.

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ITS is currently planning for fall software upgrades in ITS-managed computer labs. If you need specific software installed for the fall semester, please notify Bill Kaupe by June 30th with software and location details. Installer CDs should be delivered to 102 Muller no later than July 14th. If you have any additional questions, please contact Bill at 274-3591 or

The following are the facility hours of the Campus Center and its services from May 5, 2006 to May 14, 2006. These times are subject to change based on college events or unforeseen circumstances. If you foresee any conflicts with your area in the Campus Center facility, please contact me immediately at 274-7905.

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The following are the facility hours of the Campus Center and its services from May 5, 2006 to May 14, 2006. These times are subject to change based on college events or unforeseen circumstances. If you foresee any conflicts with your area in the Campus Center facility, please contact me immediately at 274-7905.

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Swim Lesson Sessions

Contributed by Jamie Drahos on 05/02/06 

The Office of Recreational Sports will be offering swim lessons at the outdoor pool this summer. For more information, call 274-1063.

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The Ithaca College-EcoVillage at Ithaca Partnership for Sustainability is pleased to announce that ten Ithaca College faculty members and five resident educators at EcoVillage at Ithaca have been awarded $1,000 minigrants to assist in their development of sustainability curricula. This brings to 43 the number of sustainability curriculum minigrant awards made over four years. The Ithaca College coordinating team, headed by biologists Jason Hamilton, Susan Allen-Gil, and Susan Swensen, are pleased to recognize the wide diversity of disciplines represented by this year's sustainability curriculum development awards. Faculty in art history, writing, health promotion and physical education, mathematics, physics, therapeutic recreation and leisure services, women's studies, and psychology are all planning to create exciting new sustainability-themed curricula.

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Two graduating Ithaca College students have been awarded Fulbright grants that will take them to Asia for the 2006-7 academic year. Julie Perng, who will earn her degree in organizational communication, learning, and design, will spend the year in China's Shaxi township in Dali Prefecture studying the effects of migration on local families. Philosophy major Kiehl Christie will be leaving in the fall for South Korea, where he will teach English to secondary school students and research religious transitions in the Korean peninsula.

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Do you want to make a difference for Ithaca College while earning extra cash?

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Professor of Politics Asma Barlas gave a talk on her book,
"Believing Women" in Islam at Swarthmore College at the
invitation of the Muslim Students Association on April 14th.

On April 24 and 25th, Professor Barlas was invited by Rabbi
Leonard Schoolman, Director of the Center for Religious Inquiry,
St. Barts Church, to give two back-to-back classes on "The
Qur’an and Gender: Sexuality and Women’s Status in Islam,"
in New York City.

Four Ithaca College students created a show titled, “Running from Johnny Law” and submitted it to Channel 102 where it was ranked #1 for two months by Channel 102’s audience. The students produced a total of four episodes before being cancelled.

"Channel 102 works like a television network. People send in five-minute pilots, which screen in front of a live audience. This audience votes for the pilots they like best, and those shows are asked to make more episodes," said Joe Nicolosi, one of students involved in the show.

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Thank You From Career Services

Contributed by John Fracchia on 05/01/06 

Career Services would like to thank the many individuals and organizations who collaborated on with us on presentations, workshops and events during the 2005-2006 academic year!

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