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As part of IC's Earth Week celebration the students from Michael Smith's History of American Environmental Thought class will be presenting their research into local environmental history at the History Center from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19.

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Not Your Mother's Shakespeare

Contributed by Susan Monagan on 04/17/06 

Ithaca College Theatre will present “Twelfth Night,” Shakespeare’s classic comedy of mistaken identities, bewildering desires, practical jokes, and ribald revelry. Performances will be held at 8:00 p.m. on April 18, 20, 21, and 22, with 2:00 p.m. matinees on April 22 and 23. All performances will be held in the Hoerner Theatre at Dillingham Center.

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Four free upcoming concerts in Ford Hall will showcase the spectrum of choral music at Ithaca College over three days. The Choir, Women's Chorale, Chorus, Madrigal Singers, and Vocal Jazz Ensemble will all perform.

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The Ithaca College Symphony Orchestra will present Tschaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony on its final concert of the season on Friday, April 21, at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall. The free concert will be led by Jeffrey Grogan. Also on the program is Mozart’s overture to “The Abduction from the Seraglio,” and Bernstein’s “Divertimento.”

Professor of Music Theory Mary Arlin will retire at the end of the spring 2006 semester, after an Ithaca College teaching career which began in 1966.

The campus community is cordially invited to attend a reception at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 4th in the McHenry Lobby of the Whalen Center to honor Professor Arlin’s distinguished career and countless contributions to Ithaca College.

A book of memories is being created, and members of the campus community are invited to send letters directly to Dean Art Ostrander at or to his attention c/o the School of Music, Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY 14850.

What do you think about landscaping at Ithaca College?

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Come see IC Unbound's spring semester show on Sunday, April 23rd.

Showings at 2:00 and at 8:00

Emerson Suites

Buy tickets in advance for $3.00 at the Rec Center or $5.00 at the door.

For more information, email us at

Ithaca College Flea Market

Contributed by Erica Shockley on 04/17/06 

Want to make some extra cash before the end of the year?

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iMPrint Magazine: College Life's Internet Magazine, has published it's third April edition.

iMPrint now updates every week. For up-to-the-minute story additions, click 'subscribe' (it's free!)

Here's a look at this week's stories:

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Contributed by Tanisha Graves for Cindy Reckdenwald, Director of Compensation & Organizational Design

Having accurate job descriptions is an essential part of our compensation program. This is just a reminder that all information and forms related to the Compensation Review Project’s Job Description Analysis must be completed and forwarded to the Office of Human Resources by April 21, 2006.

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Joseph Hylander and Anna Wolf will speak about occupational therapy in different countries on Thursday, April 20, at noon in the Center for Health Sciences 208. We invite you to come celebrate Occupational Therapy Month. All are welcome to attend.

Darrin Bann
Honors Research Presentation

4:00 p.m.
Center for Natural Sciences 112

Everyone is invited to attend. Come and learn what he has been working on with Susan Swensen!

Refreshments beforehand* (3:45 to 4:00 p.m.) in first floor lobby
*Please bring your own reusable mug for beverages. Reuse, reduce, recycle!

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Friday, April 21, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
2nd Floor, Center for Natural Sciences
Sponsored by the CNS Sustainability Group

See the Displays on:
Student Sustainability Research Projects
REMP Activities
Solar Panel Uses
Wind Turbine
Earth Café
Students for Sustainability Activities
Chapel Pond Solar Fountain Information & Tours

Light refreshments will be available.

Spring 2006
303-30200 Junior Research Symposium

Center for Natural Sciences 112
April 25-27
4:00 p.m each day

Everyone is invited to attend the student presentations. Come and learn what they have been working on in the faculty research labs!

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Free Film Screening: "Bubble"

Contributed by Vikki Hammond on 04/14/06 

Free Film Screening: "Bubble" Directed by Steven Soderbergh
Wednesday, April 19, at 7:00 p.m. in Textor 103

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Lunchtime Salon

Contributed by Cheryl Kramer on 04/14/06 

On Tuesday, April 18, a catered Lunchtime Salon will be held in the Handwerker Gallery from noon to 2 p.m. to give students, faculty, staff, and the public the chance to eat, drink, and discuss work in the 2006 Senior Show.

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Selections from the 25th annual Black Maria Film and Video Festival will be presented by festival director, John Columbus, on Monday, April 17, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in Park Auditorium.

Black Maria, an international juried competition and touring that recognizes cutting-edge work in experimental, documentary, and animation film and video, has recently begun a special collaboration with the Robert Flaherty Film Seminar.

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It is that time of year again when picnics, receptions and banquets are held to celebrate the completion of the academic year, students’ accomplishments, and Commencement. Many times, such events take place off campus, at private homes, and other locations. If alcohol will be available for students in attendance, it is important to remember the responsibilities that are associated with such an event.

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Glacier Mountaineering Course

Contributed by Lana Morse on 04/14/06 

Glacier Mountaineering Course offered during Summer Session 2006.

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Laser Cartridge Recycling Change

Contributed by Mark Darling on 04/14/06 

Due to the increase in transportation costs, REMP is asking that individual laser cartridges be recycled using the pre-paid shipping label that accompanies the installation instruction in the box with each new replacement cartridge. This applies only to laser catridges, not small ink jet cartridges than may still be sent for recycling using the pre-paid plastic envelopes.

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