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Dan Woog will present an all-campus lecture entitled "The Locker Room: The Last Closet" on Monday, March 27, at 7 p.m. in Williams 225. Read more . . . (107 words) The Ithaca College Alumni Association Board of Directors returns to campus for meetings this weekend, March 17-19. Read more . . . (118 words) Opening Exhibition of Israeli and Palestinian Political CartoonsContributed by Beth Harris on 03/15/06 On Sunday, March 26, Ithaca College's Students for a Just Peace will present a special exhibition of political cartoons by an Israeli and a Palestinian artist. The exhibition will be held in the space on the Commons across from the store Unique World, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Food and entertainment will be provided. Read more . . . (113 words) The Fitness Center is now accepting applications for 2006-2007 Personal Trainers. Apply online or at the Fitness Center. Read more . . . (116 words) Some things haven’t changed much in 300 years: girls talking about guys, guys talking about girls, and girls and guys talking to each other. Read more . . . (78 words) As we head into the stretch towards the Bursar's Benefit Auction, we thought you would like to know about a unique donation we have this year. Is "Ghost Whisperer" one of your favorite shows? Do you rent "Ghostbusters" every other weekend to enjoy with your microwave meal? Well, it's time you moved on to the real thing! The Bursar's Benefit Auction can offer you a sumptuous roast beef or seafood buffet for two at the famed Baron's Inn in Greene, NY (about 1/2 hour from Ithaca). Long regarded as one of the most haunted inns in the area, you will enjoy a hearty meal before heading off for your own private ghost hunt with certified ghost hunter, Bill Lenga. As a special bonus, you will receive an autographed copy of his written narrative of the Inn and its history. Ghosts a bit too scary for you? Read on for more tame items received this week... Read more . . . (376 words) Stressed? Take a break and get a relaxing and therapeutic massage today! Read more . . . (80 words) In February, Professor of Politics Asma Barlas attended Read more . . . (64 words) It’s time to mark your calendars for the fifth annual “Day of Learning!” scheduled to be held on Thursday, June 8, 2006. Read more . . . (120 words) The Wellness Clinic Presents Stress Reduction through Yoga and MeditationContributed by Mel Ginsberg-Stevens on 03/14/06 The Wellness Clinic will offer a free class in stress reduction through yoga and meditation for all staff. The instructor is Donna DeLuca. Read more . . . (195 words) Outlined below is the process for registering students to remain in the residence halls for senior week. Please review these guidelines as you begin to plan your staffing for Commencement 2006. Read more . . . (477 words) On Thursday, March 23, from 12:10 to 1:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center, two faculty members will share their experiences using biblical principles in their own teaching. This Conversation with Colleagues features Joseph Cheng, business administration, and Jeff Ives, exercise and sport sciences. Read more . . . (221 words) The academic calendars through the spring 2012 semester have been approved and may be found at: I am writing to inform you that Fred Vanderburgh, senior assistant director for the construction planning and design area of physical plant has announced that he will be retiring from Ithaca College. Read more . . . (119 words) Students to Discuss Complexities of War, March 20-23Contributed by Melissa Gattine on 03/14/06 Throughout the third week of March, Ithaca College will host “War is Complex,” a series of events marking the third anniversary of the beginning of the war in Iraq. The series will explore the complexities of war and our role in these debates. It will feature speakers, films, and panel discussions about the Iraq War and related topics. Buzzsaw Haircut, Ithaca College's independent student magazine, is organizing the week of events. Read more . . . (242 words) Rochester Occupational and Physical Therapy Textbook Online OrderingContributed by Art Gilmore on 03/13/06 The Rochester Occupational Therapy and Sophmore/Graduate Physical Therapy online Textbook ordering is now open on the Ithaca College Bookstore web site. This online ordering will close after March 17, 2006. Please place your orders by this date. Career Services Presents: Opportunity Knocks - March 13 EditionContributed by John Fracchia on 03/13/06 The March 13th edition of Opportunity Knocks, the Career Services e-newletter is now available. Read more . . . (64 words) Congratulations go to Albert Sahlstrom, a senior in the psychology department, who has received a grant from Psi Chi, the national honor society in psychology. The grants are awarded through a competitive process, with only 10 students nationwide receiving an award. Al’s grant will support a research project being conducted under the supervision of Nancy Rader, psychology, and Debra King, exercise and sport sciences. He is using 3-D modeling technology to examine the gestures and speech used by adults in speaking to young infants. Sign up today in the Fitness Center for a White Water Rafting Trip. The trip will take place on Saturday April 1st on the Lehigh River. The cost is $50.00 and includes transportation. For more information, email
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