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Don’t miss the last four events in the lecture series, "The Caribbean: Migration and Race."

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The Ithaca College Investment Club is a mutual fund run by a student organization named the Core Trading Consultants (CTCs). This organization is responsible for the management of the mutual fund’s assets which are approaching $10,000.

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Susan Allen-Gil (Ithaca College), Walker, Liz (EcoVillage of Ithaca), Thomas, Garry (Ithaca College), Shevory, Thomas (Ithaca College), and Shapiro, Elan (EcoVillage of Ithaca). 2005.

"Forming a community partnership to enhance education in sustainability."
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 6(4):392-402. View the abstract at

Join us for NCAAW events - comedian Mikee D, Mocktails and More, Drive Drunk on the Quad, X-box Tournament and more - during the week of October 24 - 29, 2005.

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Ithaca College will be observing National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week during the week of October 24 to 29. A wide variety of educational events and activities will occur on campus. Although these events are primarily for students, facutly and staff are welcome to attend.

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Artist's Talk: Daniel Jackson

Contributed by Cheryl Kramer on 10/17/05 

Daniel Jackson will speak about his work currently on display in the exhibition “Daniel Jackson: Upon Reflection” at the Handwerker Gallery at 12:15 p.m. on Thursday, October 20.

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On October 25th, Career Services proudly presents Career Day 2005 for Ithaca College students. The event will run from approximately 11:00a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Emerson Suites. Employer response has been tremendous and represents a 58% increase from one year ago!

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Arno Selco, Professor, Department of Theatre Arts, on January 12, 2006, in Miami, Florida, will be a member of a panel consisting of faculty members from college, university and conservatory professional actor training programs that will offer advice to high school teachers on how to prepare their strongest students for the college audition/portfolio review process

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SAB Films presents "The Island"

Contributed by Karen English on 10/17/05 

Come to Textor 102 and enjoy a night at the movies for only three dollars this weekend!

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IM the Ithaca College Library

Contributed by Bernard Hogben on 10/17/05 

Now you can IM either the Ithaca College library reference or circulation desk with questions.

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The King's Singers -- "unmatched for their musicality and sheer ability to entertain," according to the Times of London -- will perform at Ithaca College on Monday, October 24. Part of the yearlong Ithaca College Concerts season titled "Return Engagements," the performance will take place at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music. The King's Singers last appeared in Ford Hall in 1991.

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The Ithaca College School of Music’s faculty string quartet will present a free concert at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 23 in the Hockett Family Recital Hall. Their program includes Hindemith’s “String Quartet No. 3,” Mozart’s “Quartet in D Major, K. 575,” and Astor Piazolla’s “Four for Tango.”

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Two-time Grammy Award-winning guitarist Sharon Isbin and the Zurich Chamber Orchestra will give this year's performance in the annual Shirley and Chas Hockett Chamber Music Concert Series at Ithaca College. Named after two longtime educators, the series honors the Hocketts' love of music and devotion to Ithaca College and its School of Music. The free concert will take place on Saturday, October 22, at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music.

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If you would like to join the Ithaca College Biology Club mailing list, please send an e-mail to By joining, you will receive updates on the biology club, notices about meetings, and we will send you information on great opportunities that may come our way!

Also, at this point if you are interested in a biology tutor, or in being a biology tutor please e-mail the club at the address above.

Look for the Biology Club at the Campus Center this week for our annual plant sale! October 19-21 Want to sign up and help? E-Mail Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Cortaca Jug ticket sales will begin on Oct. 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites.

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Retirement Planning and Options

Contributed by Laurie Wasik on 10/17/05 

The Ithaca College faculty development committee presents a late-career faculty development panel, Friday, October 21, 2005, Emerson Suite A, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. It is open to faculty and staff in the Ithaca College community. Feel free to come for all or part of the panel.

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Intramural XBox Tournaments

Contributed by Jamie Drahos on 10/17/05 

The office of recreational sports is hosting two XBox Tournaments on Thursday, October 27th in the Fitness Center. The entry deadline is this Friday, October 21st.

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Distinguished Visiting Writers

Contributed by Ann Cusmano on 10/15/05 

For the School of Humanities and Sciences, the Department of Writing
offers two readings by this fall's Distinguished Visiting Writers.

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Compassionate Care Policy

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 10/14/05 

Contributed for: Martha A. Turnbull, Director of Human Resources
Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits

The Office of Human Resources, vice-presidents, and supervisors have worked together on a number of occasions to provide special consideration and assistance to an employee who has been impacted by serious personal or family medical problems or other emergencies.

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