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Howard Erlich, dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences, was elected to the executive committee of the American Conference of Academic Deans (ACAD) at its recent annual meeting.

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The Spring 2004 Oracle Honor Society induction ceremony will be held on Monday, March 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites. The ceremony honors students who have completed their first semester at Ithaca College and are in the top 5 percent of their academic schools.

Contributed by Vickie Clairmont

WomenSpeak, the Women's Studies Program's annual in-house conference, now in its eleventh year, will take place on Wednesday, March 31, from 10:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Muller Chapel. The theme this year is "Women and Aging."

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On Thursday, February 12, the Ithaca College community is invited to a Gerontology Institute Distinguished Speaker lecture at 7:00 p.m. in Emerson Suites. Eric Kingson, Ph.D., will deliver a talk titled "The Changing Politics And Policies Of Aging: Implications Today and in 2055!"

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Start the New Year off right with a FREE MEMBERSHIP to the IC Wellness Clinic!

Any new participant who joins this year by Valentine's Day (Feb. 14) will go into a drawing to win a free membership for the year. Drop by the Wellness Clinic, CHS 302, and check us out or give us a call at X1301 if you have any questions about our programs.

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There are still spaces left in the next Weight Watchers session, but they are going fast! Why not beat the winter blahs by doing something you can feel good about and join us.

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Are your students preparing to take the GRE, GMAT, LSAT or MCAT exam? If so, then please encourage them to come to the upcoming workshop:

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Distinguished author George Saunders is on campus this week. His collections of short stories -- Pastorialia, and CivilWarLand in Bad Decline -- are now available in the IC Library.

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The Ithaca College Jewish Studies Program invites you to apply for funding in support of your teaching and research in any area related to Jewish history or culture -- broadly defined to include all academic disciplines.

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This wintry weather certainly makes for messy entrances, but everyone in Facilities Services wants you to know that they are working very hard to keep the College safe and dry this winter.

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Professor Michael Malpass, anthropology, recently published an article in the leading professional journal of Latin American prehistory.

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Biology Seminar Jan. 29

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 01/26/04 

Thursday, January 29
Ron Hoy, Cornell University
"The Host is Toast: Acoustic Parasitism in Crickets"
4:00 p.m., CNS Rm. 112

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As of Monday, January 26, Dining Services added a new feature to the checkout at the Food Court. Every day, between noon and 1:00 p.m., there will be a register designated as the "Express Register."

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The Wednesday faculty free coffee series is switching to Thursdays for the first half of this semester.

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The Ithaca College Crew will conduct its annual Erg-a-thon to raise funds for the Tompkins County United Way and the team's upcoming spring trip.

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Four faculty members from the IC Jewish Studies program presented papers in December at the annual conference of the Jewish Studies Association in Boston. Their strikingly diverse topics were ancient Jewish magic, Holocaust representation in American Jewish fiction, Zionist songs from south India, and medieval French Jewish texts.

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Support Blood Drive Feb. 10

Contributed by Cynthia Smith on 01/24/04 

The New York-Penn Region of the American Red Cross distributes nearly 2,000 units of blood every day to a total of 127 area hospitals, due in part to greatly increased medical advances. This is good news for all of us -- unless, of course, there isn't enough blood available to take advantage of these life-saving new treatments.

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Join IC physics professor Bruce Thompson as he discusses the Elephant Seismic Project at the next presentation of the Physics Café, 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 10, in the Emerson Suites.

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President Peggy Williams has announced the appointment of a Presidential Task Force on Diversity co-chaired by Brian McAree, vice president for Student Affairs and Campus Life, and Nancy Pringle, vice president and College Counsel.

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The Spring 2004 Workshop Schedule is now available online!

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