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Jason Hamilton, biology, was invited to present a seminar entitled "Herbivory and Crop Losses in a High CO2 World" at a recent science colloquium at Wells College in Aurora.

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Jean Hardwick, Jessica Peakcock '05, Danielle Federico '05, Jeremy Dobson '03, Brenna Corbett '03, and Melanie Powers '01 presented two posters at the Society of Neuroscience meetings in New Orleans this month.

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Vicki Cameron, who is a biology councilor for the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) and chair of the biology department at Ithaca College, recently participated as an external reviewer for the biology department at Ouachita Baptist University.

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Students for a Just Peace have asked me to extend their invitation to IC faculty and staff:

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The College has initiated a review of the current student administrative system with the goal of providing the IC community with a quality of service that lives up to our vision to be the standard of excellence among comprehensive institutions.

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Ithaca College presents award-winning poet, lawyer, and political activist, Ogaga Ifowodo in a talk and readings from his latest book, Madiba, winner of the ANA/Cadbury literary prize.

"The Birthplace of Awaited Dreams"
Tuesday, November 18, 7:00 p.m.
Klingenstein Lounge, Campus Center
Refreshments will be served.

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Check out the November issue of the IC wellness clinic's campus newsletter for exercise tips, healthy recipes, mental health, and wellness -- even get information on upcoming events and much more.

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Olympic gold medalist Scott Hamilton, who has emerged victorious from challenges both on and off the ice, will deliver the main address at Ithaca College's 2004 Commencement.

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News From IC Purchasing

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 11/17/03 

The Ithaca College purchasing department reminds iParnassus users that there is a drop-in session for iProcurement on Wednesday, November 19, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. in the West Tower, 14th floor.

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IC Picked for NCAA Playoffs

Contributed by Michael Warwick on 11/17/03 

The Ithaca College football team (8-2) has been selected for the NCAA playoffs. Ithaca is seeded sixth in one of four seven-team brackets and will play at third-seeded Brockport (9-1) at noon on Saturday, November 22.

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The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of the exhibition Freedom, Entrapment, and Identity: The Sculpture of Albert Dicruttalo.

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Eli Thomas (Onondaga, Wolf Clan) will be working with students painting a movable mural on Monday through Wednesday, November 17-19, on the stage of the Hoerner Theatre, in the Dillingham Center.

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World AIDS Day Events

Contributed by Kimberley Conrad on 11/14/03 

The Ithaca College AIDS Working Group would like to encourage all members of the Ithaca community to take note and or attend the following events held in honor of World AIDS Day, Monday, December 1.

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Chris Eyre, renowned Cheyenne/Arapaho filmmaker and director (Smoke Signals, Skimwalkers, The Business of Fancydancing) will discuss and present Skins, starring Graham Greene and Eric Schweig, on Tuesday, November 18, at 7:00 p.m. in Textor 102.

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Computer-Assisted Grading

Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 11/14/03 

On Thursday, November 20, Gary Sforzo presents the third in the series of presentations on using technology to enhance teaching.

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Danny Schechter, the Emmy Award-winning television news producer, media critic, and filmmaker will give his public presentation entitled "Weapons of Mass Deception: Are the Media Covering the World or Covering it Up?" on Monday, November 17, at 7:00 p.m. in Williams 225.

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ICTV Work Recognized

Contributed by Antoinette Di Ciaccio on 11/13/03 

Two Ithaca College television programs won first place and three others were finalists in competitions at the National College Media conference in Dallas last week.

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Benefits Fair

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 11/12/03 

Attend the Fourth Annual Ithaca College Benefits Fair to learn more about your benefits and your choices.

Thursday, November 13, 2003
10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Emerson Suites A and B, Campus Center

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Safety Reminder: Buckle Up

Contributed by Maureen Forrest on 11/12/03 

Ithaca College students are reminded to use their seat belts in accordance with New York State law, whether they are traveling on or off campus.

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President Williams is pleased to announce that Wenmouth Williams, professor of television and radio in the Roy H. Park School of Communications, has been selected as the next NCAA faculty athletics representative for Ithaca College.

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