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The Department of Education just released cohort default rates for the fiscal year ending 2001. Ithaca College's student default rate is extremely low at 1.3 percent. The national average is 5.4 percent. This demonstrates that the outreach of the Office of Financial Aid to student borrowers regarding their responsibilities for repayment is successful and that IC alumni are doing an excellent job in meeting their financial obligations for the federal loans that they utilized.

Contributed by Larry Chambers

Are You a Military Veteran?

Contributed by Kirk Swenson on 09/18/03 

Planning for IC's Veterans Day celebration (November 11) is well underway. As part of the event program, the committee wishes to recognize all members of the College community who have served our country in the armed forces.

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LGBT Coming Out Workshop

Contributed by Luca Maurer on 09/18/03 

The Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services is pleased to bring noted therapist and educator Wayne Pawlowski to present a workshop for students on Wednesday, September 24, at 7:00 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge.

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Sandra Steingraber, Ithaca College's Distinguished Visiting Scholar, will be giving a presentation Thursday, September 18, entitled "The Rope That Frays at Both Ends: Environmental Threats to Pregnant Women, Infants, and the Elderly."

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As you may be aware, a national search was initiated this past summer to fill the vacant director position at the Ithaca College Counseling Center. Due to a smaller than anticipated applicant pool, that search has now been closed. Deb Harper, assistant director of the counseling center, has been appointed acting director for the 2003-2004 academic year.

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Dining Services thought it would be fun to bring out the kid in all of us -- with hot dogs! So, Hebrew National Hot Dogs are now available at the Campus Center Food Court every day, Monday through Friday.

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The Ithaca College Weight Watchers at Work Program still has openings for new and returning members. Due to unforeseen changes in plans, the sessions will now start on Tuesday, September 23, instead of September 16, as announced previously.

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A newspaper is much more than its text. It is a primary source for information of all types -- news stories, photographs, advertisements, and other graphical features. The Ithaca College library recently partnered with OCLC, a global library cooperative, to create fully-searchable digital editions of the College newspaper, the Ithacan (1931-2002) and its predecessor, Once-A-Week (1926-1930).

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  • Associate Dean for Academic and Student Services Patricia E. Green
  • Acting Assistant Dean for Graduate and Clinical Services Janet K. Wigglesworth
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    Tonight's lecture by Paul Loeb will take place at 7:00 p.m. in Emerson Suites B, not the Klingenstein Lounge as originally scheduled.

    Because of the huge interest expressed in Paul Loeb's presentation entitled "Soul of a Citizen" as the first part of the Engaging Democracy and Troubling the Water series, the event was moved to the larger venue.

    More information on this series can be found at Engaging Democracy and Troubling the Water.

    Contributed by Peter Bardaglio, Provost/VPAA (

    This is a reminder that IC Our World, formerly known as the Unity Festival, will take place at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, September 19, on the Campus Center Quad. All faculty and staff are invited to attend this free event, which will include a variety of music, food, and crafts.

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    Speakers' Works at the Library

    Contributed by John Hickey on 09/16/03 

    If you want information about a speaker, or want to continue the intellectual discussion begun by the speaker, the library can help. We provide a database of biographical and critical information, the Biography Resource Center.

    We also have works by many speakers --

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    The Office of Career Services would like to announce that four scholarships are now available for students who will be taking a Kaplan course.

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    Barry Snyder, a 33-year member of the piano faculty at the Eastman School of Music, will give a free guest solo recital at Ithaca College on Sunday, September 21. The performance will begin at 8:15 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music.

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    A September tradition, the annual Founder's Day Concert in the Park, this year will feature the Ithaca College Concert Band and the Ithaca College Symphonic Band. The free open-air concert takes place on Sunday, September 21, at 2:00 p.m. in DeWitt Park in downtown Ithaca. The rain location is Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music at Ithaca College.

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    A two-day intensive Fitzmaurice Voicework workshop will be held October 18-19 at Ithaca College. It will be taught by Krista Scott and Ruth Childs, certified instructors of Fitzmaurice Voicework.

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    Joyce Carol Oates will visit Ithaca College on Monday, Sept. 22, as the Department of Writing's distinguished visiting writer. Her free public reading of her work will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Emerson Suites, Phillips Hall. Earlier, she will meet privately with writing majors and faculty to talk about her writing.

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    Representatives from Ithaca College and Integrated Acquisition & Development (IAD), the developers of the Ithaca College Circle Apartments, assemble in front of the new community building to watch as President Peggy Williams cuts the ribbon to officially open Phase II of the now completed Ithaca College Circle Apartments complex.

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    The Office of Multicultural Affairs Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Education, Outreach, and Services will present "Out of the Closet and onto the Screen: Intersections of Sexuality and Culture in Film," a yearlong film series.

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    The Office of Multicultural Affairs is pleased to announce clinical psychologist Eder Gongora Gomez will be visiting the campus this week for Latino Heritage Month.

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