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Scholarship for Study in Canada

Contributed by Rachel Gould on 03/20/03 

The Office of International Programs is happy to announce the availability of a new scholarship opportunity for Ithaca College students -- the Killam Fellowships Program, a new initiative for the Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States.

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Minority Student Premed Event

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 03/20/03 

Tuesday, April 8
6:00-7:00 pm
Center for Natural Sciences 163

Attention all minority students interested in a career in medicine -- current minority medical students at SUNY Upstate Medical University will meet with IC students interested in a career in medicine.

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Premed Event

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 03/20/03 

Chiropractic Medicine Information Session
Tuesday, April 1
4:00-5:00 pm
Center for Natural Sciences 163.

All students interested in learning more about chiropractic medicine should be urged to attend this informational session on the National University of Health Sciences Program in Chiropractic Medicine. See Premed Notices.

Contributed by Nancy Pierce

Day of Learning

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 03/20/03 

Spring is in the air and it's time to mark your calendars for June 19, 2003, for the second annual summer "Day of Learning!"

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We are very pleased to announce an informal caregivers' education and support group has been developed for the Ithaca College community. We will meet on Thursday, April 3, at noon in room 413 of the Center for Health Sciences (next to Smiddy Hall).

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Mayberry Joins Board

Contributed by Terry Beckley on 03/19/03 

At the March 2003 meeting of the Association of Gerontology in Higher Education it was announced that Pamela S. Mayberry, associate director and coordinator of academic programs at the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute, was elected to a two-year term as member-at-large of the association's exeuctive committee.

Contributed by Terry Beckley

Important -- Commencement Week Information

   Dear faculty, staff, and administrators:
This letter outlines the process for registering students to remain in the residence halls for senior week. All this information can also be found on the Residential Life website

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Allen-Gil in Presentation

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 03/19/03 

Susan Allen-Gil, J. Ford, J. Seigle, M. Akpik, J. Woods, and J. Nashagnik presented "Upstream or Downstream: Potential sources for POPs in subsistence food webs" this month at the Canadian Arctic Contaminants Assessment Symposium in Ottawa. Contributed by Susan Allen-Gil

Reception for David Dresser

Contributed by Lori June on 03/19/03 

The faculty and staff of the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance cordially invite you to a reception in honor of departing associate dean David L Dresser. The reception will be held in the Emerson Suites of Phillips Hall in the Campus Center from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m., Thursday, May 22, 2003.

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Staff Council

Contributed by Crystal Young on 03/18/03 

The minutes of the February 20, 2003 Staff Council meeting are now available.

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Social Integration and Residence in the Pathways to Life Quality Study
A Faculty Development Colloquium by Mary Ann Erickson, gerontology
Tuesday, March 25
12:10-1:00 pm
Clark Lounge

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AAHE Presentation

Contributed by Garry Brodhead on 03/18/03 

Nancy Rader, psychology, Sandra Herndon, OCLD, and Garry Brodhead, associate provost, presented "The Ithaca College Faculty Workload Project: Modeling Change and Institutional Learning," at the American Association for Higher Education Learning to Change conference in Washington DC, March 17.

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LGBT People and Big Tobacco

Contributed by Luca Maurer on 03/18/03 

Selling Out: How LGBT People Have Become Targets of Big Tobacco

Thursday, March 20
7:30 pm
Williams 221.

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Talking in Class about the War

Contributed by Beth Harris on 03/17/03 

The Students for a Just Peace asked me to share their concerns with all of the IC faculty. As SJP's faculty adviser, I appreciate the students' anxieties about the United States invading Iraq. Joey Cronen, the cochair for education, sends the following note.

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2003 Employee Recognition

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 03/17/03 

Our annual recognition celebration is scheduled for Thursday, April 3, 2003, beginning at noon, in the Emerson Suites. The annual celebration honors dedicated faculty, staff, and administrators who have completed 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of service as well those employees who have retired or are retiring during the 2002-2003 fiscal year.

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Open forums for faculty, staff, administrators, and students

Resumes and evaluation forms for each candidate are available in the Vice President's Office for Student Affairs and Campus Life, 340 Egbert Hall. These materials will also be available at each forum site.

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Ithaca College's Delta Phi chapter of Phi Beta Delta, the international honor society, has been named "Chapter of the Year" by the national governing body. The chapter has grown a great deal since its conception two years ago and hosts several events, including the "One World" celebration in the spring. The society recognizes students, faculty, and staff who have demonstrated a substantial commitment to internationalizing education.

Contibuted by Adrian Sherman

Environmentalist to Speak

Contributed by Adrian Sherman on 03/17/03 

Sandra Steingraber, a national figure in environmental health, will present, "Living Downstream Revisited: Environmental Health in Latin America".

Tuesday, March 25
3:00-5:00 pm
Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall

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TIAA/CREF Seminars

Contributed by Margaret Dillingham on 03/17/03 

Please join us on April 1 and April 3 for informational sessions presented by TIAA/CREF. The topic will be "Staying on Track in a Market Downturn."

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George Crawford Retirement

Contributed by Michael Bovi on 03/17/03 

George Crawford will be retiring at the end of March after 21 years of service to Ithaca College.

For the past 16 years, he has been known to all of us as that smiling face in Mac's General Store. He is most often referred to as Mac by many students and staff. Please join us at a retirement reception for him on Thursday, March 27, 3:30-5:00 pm in the McDonald Lounge.

Contributed by Mike Bovi