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Initiating and maintaining the diversity and inclusion dialogue can be challenging. As practitioners, we often ask ourselves, how do we continue the D&I conversation in between formal initiatives? In this webinar, participants will use the GROW coaching model as a tool to initiate and advance the diversity and inclusion dialogue. Participants will generate a list of powerful questions that stimulate conversation and participants will prepare for a coaching conversation they can have in their organization in the upcoming weeks.

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The MLK NOW Award is given each year to a group of students who volunteer during the Ithaca College MLK Day of Service. The recipients of this award were nominated by their peers for having displayed an exemplary level of  teamwork, positive attitude, and commitment to social justice during the event. The MLK Day of Service is part of the annual MLK Celebration sponsored by the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs.

Please consider emailing these students to congratulate them on their accomplishment!

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While intentions have changed in the business community, true inclusion remains elusive. Quite likely the primary challenge for most organizations is that inclusion remains an abstract and vague thing. Even leaders that truly want greater inclusion have a hard time explaining in a clear and concise way what that means. Inclusion is commonly viewed as an attitude or the absence of hatred and intentional discrimination. This webinar is built around a tangible model of inclusion, including common barriers, a way of assessment and practices to employ toward greater inclusion.

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Students are welcome to apply for financial assistance with their summer internships.

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SGA Minutes 2/1/16 Meeting

Contributed by Dominick Recckio on 02/02/16 

Get a closer look at SGA! Here are the minutes from our meeting on Monday, February 1st! 

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In this webinar, presenter Will Moss discusses strategies for creating and sustaining relationships with and recruiting talent from HBCUs. He will share successful techniques to utilize online channels and how to host targeted events.

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Michael Twomey (English; Dana Professor) and Steven Hartman (English, 1987; now professor and director of the Ecohumanities Hub, Mid Sweden University) collaborated in an environmental humanities workshop that took place at the Sigtuna Foundation in Sigtuna, Sweden, this past November 12th through 16th.

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It’s that time of year again!  ZoetIC, a literary publication sponsored by the Ithaca College English Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta, is accepting original submissions from ALL current students and alumni of Ithaca College.


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Check out this month's Employee Benefits & Work/Life Brief!

When: Thursday 2/4/16, 12:00pm - 1:00pm

Where: A&E Center VIP Room

Who: All Ithaca College staff members who are willing to listen openly, respect differing opinions, and to engage in discussion while sharing ideas and constructive feedback are encouraged to attend.


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Digital Instruction and Information Services (DIIS) encourages all guardians of Ithaca College Apple computers to be aware that there are known issues with older versions of Microsoft Office ( <14.5.6) and the latest Mac OS El Capitan (Version 10.11). If you have upgraded your Apple computer to the latest Mac OS El Capitan, please make sure you have upgraded your Microsoft Office to the latest version (14.5.9).

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Submitted by Wade Pickren, PhD
Director, Sponsored Research

The online submission process for faculty sponsors to submit student presentations for the 19th Annual James J. Whalen Symposium will close on Monday, March 4, 2016.  

The Symposium will take place on Thursday, April 14, 2016.  It is the premier academic event at Ithaca College and features student presentations on research and creative works that are developed in collaboration with faculty. 

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A test of the Ithaca College Emergency Notification System (ENS) will take place during the noon hour on Thursday. It will include a test of the Outdoor Warning System, which features a siren tone and a loudspeaker message. There is no need to take any action in response to the test.

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Last September, the Symposium on Inclusion, Cultural Fluency, Global Citizenship launched a year-long series of conversations about helping the College to better prepare its students, faculty, and staff for an increasingly diverse socio-economic environment. Discussions have focused on how we can become more inclusive in all areas, more supportive of cultural fluency among our students and employees, and more focused on preparing our students for the “responsibilities of citizenship and service in the global community”. Following the September Symposium, several Learning Communities formed around these topics, and have been meeting since.

On Monday, February 8, from 3:00-5:00 p.m., in the Clark Lounge, we will be holding a mid-year gathering of those who participated in the Inclusion, Cultural Fluency & Global Citizenship Learning Communities, as well as those who did not have the opportunity to do so but are interested in becoming a part of these conversations.

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Applying to the RA, SLC, OL, PCA, President’s Host or other leadership position on campus? Make sure your resume makes the right kind of first impression! In this session you’ll learn how to reflect the experiences and skills you have in relation to the leadership position, in addition to other important resume essentials.

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The 2016 Campus Life Award Committee is seeking nominations from faculty, staff and students for outstanding graduating seniors who would like to be considered for this honor.

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Join us in the Campus Center Clark Lounge on Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 1:30 - 3:30pm for ALANA CAREER CONNECTIONS.  This networking event will feature a panel discussion with distinguished Ithaca College alumni. Students will hear a variety of perspectives as professionals share their valley and mountaintop experiences on the journey to career success.

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The Ithaca College department of intercollegiate athletics is pleased to announce the upcoming promotional schedule of activities for the month of Februrary, highlighted by a chance for fans to win $10,000 in a progressive, half-court shot contest, a Faculty and Staff Appreciation Night, a Senior Class Night, and a Fill the Hill Whiteout event. 

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Paula Twomey, Spanish instructor, has published Un-Classic Greek Myths in Spanish with Teacher’s Discovery. 

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Are you planning to work on an unpaid internship this summer? Do you have plans to work with an IC faculty member for the 2016-17 academic year? If you do, and you qualify for financial assistance, you may want to consider applying for a Dana Student Internship award. The fast approaching deadline for all application materials is February 12th.

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