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Registration EXTENDED for Spring Move-In Volunteers! Read for new descriptions and updated info about volunteer shifts!Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 12/17/20
We're still looking for volunteers to help support the Spring Move-In! We have updated information about volunteer expectations and shifts. As of 12/13/2020 we only have 81 volunteers registered, but we anticipate needing at least 200, if not closer to 300 depending on how many shifts each volunteer can take! Please reach out to Sam Elebiary at if you have any questions about volunteering. Read more . . . (1043 words) Registration EXTENDED for Spring Move-In Volunteers! Read for new descriptions and updated info about volunteer shifts!Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 12/17/20
We're still looking for volunteers to help support the Spring Move-In! We have updated information about volunteer expectations and shifts. As of 12/13/2020 we only have 81 volunteers registered, but we anticipate needing at least 200, if not closer to 300 depending on how many shifts each volunteer can take! Please reach out to Sam Elebiary at if you have any questions about volunteering. Read more . . . (1043 words) Registration EXTENDED for Spring Move-In Volunteers! Read for new descriptions and updated info about volunteer shifts!Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 12/17/20
We're still looking for volunteers to help support the Spring Move-In! We have updated information about volunteer expectations and shifts. As of 12/13/2020 we only have 81 volunteers registered, but we anticipate needing at least 200, if not closer to 300 depending on how many shifts each volunteer can take! Please reach out to Sam Elebiary at if you have any questions about volunteering. Read more . . . (1069 words)
Dear Staff, As you are aware, the College is trying to balance protecting the health of our campus community with the fiscal pressures of containing the spread of COVID-19. An important public health strategy in minimizing spread is the required asymptomatic testing of anyone accessing campus. In addition, areas that people access are regularly disinfected by our facilities team. In an effort to extend our budgeted testing dollars as long as possible into the spring, as well as to make every effort to preserve time and costs associated with our facilities staff, we are asking that employees limit their access to campus between December 18 and January 25 to the greatest extent possible. Read more . . . (442 words)
Thank you for your participation in the Supervisor's Meeting last week. As part of our preparations for spring, we will be sending shortly to all staff a request that they complete the Daily Health Screening and Testing Registration form for the spring semester. This form asks that employees indicate how often they will be on campus in the spring and whether their position is high or low contact. This will help us with tailoring the Daily Health Screening to employee needs and the frequency at which employees should be testing. Your employees may reach out to you for assistance with completing the form. Please use some of the strategies we discussed in the Supervisor's Meeting for making determinations about who must be on campus in the spring versus who can remain remote. Please reach out to your Vice President as needed for more guidance. Supervisors will receive a summary of all direct reports registration information so that you can follow up to discuss directly with them if their plans for accessing campus in the spring are inconsistent with how your department will be operating in the spring. Read more . . . (228 words) Office 365 ProPlus To Be Installed On College-Owned Devices Beginning 1/6/21Contributed by Lisa Efing-Guida on 12/17/20
Information Technology is pleased to announce the latest version of Microsoft Office, Office 365 ProPlus, will be installed on college-owned devices (on and off campus) beginning January 6, 2021. Office 365 ProPlus has been available as a self-service update and has come with technology-renewed computers since January 2020. Bringing remaining college-owned computers to the latest version will ensure a consistent experience across devices and the latest security and feature updates to all machines. If you have not already performed a self-service upgrade and would like to do so before January 6, 2021, please see this IT knowledge base article for details. Read more . . . (430 words)
The recording of the December 11th Path to Progress Presentation is now available to faculty and staff. To view, please click here and log in with your Ithaca College username and password.
Read more . . . (46 words) Join the Experiential Learning Alliance virtual meeting on January 8Contributed by Michele Lenhart on 12/17/20
Do you provide Experiential Learning opportunities for IC students? If so, you might want to join the Experiential Learning Alliance (ELA) for our 2021 kick-off meeting! Read more . . . (175 words) Join the Experiential Learning Alliance virtual meeting on January 8Contributed by Michele Lenhart on 12/17/20
Do you provide Experiential Learning opportunities for IC students? If so, you might want to join the Experiential Learning Alliance (ELA) for our 2021 kick-off meeting! Read more . . . (175 words) Graduates - Action Needed to Maintain Office 365 Access & OneDrive FilesContributed by Lisa Efing-Guida on 12/17/20
If you are graduating this December, there are changes to your Microsoft Office 365 account, including OneDrive, that you need to be aware of. You will no longer have access to the full Microsoft Office 365 subscription through Ithaca College after January 15, 2021. Read more . . . (327 words)
We are seeking volunteers to serve as College Trained Advisors and/or Board Members for cases of sexual misconduct. Both Advisors and Board Members play a critical role in protecting student rights and enacting due process measures. College Trained Advisors are part of a pool of college employees made available, through the Title IX Office, to complainants and respondents as they go through the investigative and student conduct processes. Advisors are an invaluable supportive measure for participants of the sexual misconduct process, as they offer support, knowledge, and a helping hand throughout the process. Board Members will be called upon for Conduct Review Boards to review all evidence collected during an investigation and presented by Complainants and Respondents during the hearing. This board will present a finding based on the preponderance of evidence. Conduct Review Board members are an essential part of the decision-making process and ensure a fair and equitable experience for all involved parties throughout the duration of the hearing. Read more . . . (107 words) Ithaca College Music Composition Department to host the 2021 National Student Electronic Music EventContributed by Evis Sammoutis on 12/17/20
This year, the Ithaca College Composition Department is pleased to be hosting the annual National Student Electronic Music Event (NSEME), one of the most important events for students working in electronic music. This is an entirely student driven conference, usually reserved for doctoral students, but a small group of Ithaca College Senior Composition students will be organizing an entirely remote Conference to take place in April 2021. Read more . . . (131 words)
We are seeking volunteers to serve as College Trained Advisors and/or Board Members for cases of sexual misconduct. Both Advisors and Board Members play a critical role in protecting student rights and enacting due process measures. College Trained Advisors are part of a pool of college employees made available, through the Title IX Office, to complainants and respondents as they go through the investigative and student conduct processes. Advisors are an invaluable supportive measure for participants of the sexual misconduct process, as they offer support, knowledge, and a helping hand throughout the process. Board Members will be called upon for Conduct Review Boards to review all evidence collected during an investigation and presented by Complainants and Respondents during the hearing. This board will present a finding based on the preponderance of evidence. Conduct Review Board members are an essential part of the decision-making process and ensure a fair and equitable experience for all involved parties throughout the duration of the hearing. Read more . . . (107 words)
Due to poor weather conditions in our area Ithaca Bakery/IC Square will be closed today. Campus Center Dining Hall will be open for regular hours of service for lunch and dinner. Any additional service updates will be posted here and on social media.
Roots is an online environmental journal designed to showcase issues in environmental science. Roots is run by students in the Environmental Studies and Sciences Department at Ithaca College in Ithaca, NY.
All members of the Ithaca College community are encouraged to use their best judgment in traveling safely and avoiding unnecessary risks during the winter storm that will bring potentially substantial snowfall to much of the region overnight. With instruction remote for the semester and a greatly reduced on-campus student population and workforce, at this time the college does not anticipate any formal change to its operating status. Read more . . . (169 words)
The leave of absence and withdrawal process for the college is now being managed by the Academic Advising Center! Read more . . . (108 words) Fine Artists at Five – Special Holiday Show with Walter Chon, Elizabeth Simkin, Jerry Mirskin, Marc Gomes, and Ivy WalzContributed by Gordon Rowland on 12/16/20
The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to close Fine Artists at Five for 2020 with a special holiday program 5-5:30PM Friday. Five faculty artists will each share a short piece (e.g., song, poem, story or excerpt) that expresses a holiday tradition of their choice. Read more . . . (617 words) Sandra Steingraber, PhD, Distinguished Scholar in Residence of the Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences announces release of major report on frackingContributed by Cheryl Gunther on 12/16/20
Sandra Steingraber, PhD, Distinguished Scholar in Residence of the Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences announces the release of the 7th edition of a fracking report that has been the focus of her research for the past year. New Analysis of Fracking Science (nearly 2,000 studies) Finds Grave Health, Environmental Justice, and Climate Impacts Read more . . . (1224 words) |
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