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Read more . . . (184 words) Research Participants Needed for OT Graduate Student Thesis ProjectContributed by Anne Carlineo on 12/16/20
Ithaca College occupational therapy graduate students are studying if and how physicians (MD, DO) and physical therapists who work with older adults (65 or older) prescribe canes to their patients who need them. In the following anonymous survey, you will be given questions pertaining to how you prescribe canes to your patients who need them. You will be asked to answer the questions to the best of your ability. You can skip questions or stop taking the survey at any time without penalty. Read more . . . (94 words) Research Participants Needed for OT Graduate Student Thesis ProjectContributed by Anne Carlineo on 12/16/20
Ithaca College occupational therapy graduate students are studying if and how physicians (MD, DO) and physical therapists who work with older adults (65 or older) prescribe canes to their patients who need them. In the following anonymous survey, you will be given questions pertaining to how you prescribe canes to your patients who need them. You will be asked to answer the questions to the best of your ability. You can skip questions or stop taking the survey at any time without penalty. Read more . . . (94 words) Registration EXTENDED for Spring Move-In Volunteers! Read for new descriptions and updated info about volunteer shifts!Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 12/15/20
We're still looking for volunteers to help support the Spring Move-In! We have updated information about volunteer expectations and shifts. As of 12/13/2020 we only have 81 volunteers registered, but we anticipate needing at least 200, if not closer to 300 depending on how many shifts each volunteer can take! Please reach out to Sam Elebiary at if you have any questions about volunteering. Read more . . . (1043 words) Registration EXTENDED for Spring Move-In Volunteers! Read for new descriptions and updated info about volunteer shifts!Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 12/15/20
We're still looking for volunteers to help support the Spring Move-In! We have updated information about volunteer expectations and shifts. As of 12/13/2020 we only have 81 volunteers registered, but we anticipate needing at least 200, if not closer to 300 depending on how many shifts each volunteer can take! Please reach out to Sam Elebiary at if you have any questions about volunteering. Read more . . . (996 words) Registration EXTENDED for Spring Move-In Volunteers! Read for new descriptions and updated info about volunteer shifts!Contributed by Samantha Elebiary on 12/15/20
We're still looking for volunteers to help support the Spring Move-In! We have updated information about volunteer expectations and shifts. As of 12/13/2020 we only have 81 volunteers registered, but we anticipate needing at least 200, if not closer to 300 depending on how many shifts each volunteer can take! Please reach out to Sam Elebiary at if you have any questions about volunteering. Read more . . . (1043 words) Take Understanding Disability this Spring! ICC Diversity Elective!Contributed by Jessie Kanowitz Tonjes on 12/15/20
There are spots still available in Understanding Disability for the Spring Semester! (RLS 12500) This is a great opportunity to get your ICC Diversity elective covered! It is one of the most sought after courses at Ithaca College! Learn about a wide spectrum of intellectual, physical, and emotional impairments highlighting autism spectrum disorder. Other topics include self-advocacy, historical and current barriers, family perspectives and current trends in educational and community services for people with disabilities. Coursework includes interactive speakers and relevant and relatable assignments that are important in today's world. Open to all! Understanding Disability is offered Tuesday nights from 6:50-9:30 via online synchronous instruction!
This month we say farewell to 3 long time IT staff members: Todd Blakemore, Karen Compton and Chris Davie. Read more . . . (105 words) Office 365 ProPlus To Be Installed On College-Owned Devices Beginning 1/6/21Contributed by Lisa Efing-Guida on 12/15/20
Information Technology is pleased to announce the latest version of Microsoft Office, Office 365 ProPlus, will be installed on college-owned devices (on and off campus) beginning January 6, 2021. Office 365 ProPlus has been available as a self-service update and has come with technology-renewed computers since January 2020. Bringing remaining college-owned computers to the latest version will ensure a consistent experience across devices and the latest security and feature updates to all machines. If you have not already performed a self-service upgrade and would like to do so before January 6, 2021, please see this IT knowledge base article for details. Read more . . . (430 words) Recording Available of the December 14, 2020 All Staff MeetingContributed by Katie Sack on 12/15/20
The recording of the December 14th All Staff Meeting is now available. Staff: Please click here to see a recording of the meeting, provided on Microsoft Stream. To access the video, you will need to log in with your Ithaca College email. As a reminder, these gatherings are intended for staff only. All Staff Meetings will continue to be recorded and these recordings will continue to be housed on the above Stream site. Read more . . . (38 words)
Tribal sovereignty, education, foster care, land rights, ownership, racism, criminal justice, healthcare, missing and murder women, and precedent-setting laws of the American Indian communities in the United States were a central focus of discovery for 28 journalism law students at Ithaca College in the Roy H Park School of Communications. Read more . . . (414 words)
The IC Web Team has completed the work of migrating all staff web profiles out of the old WPM system to our new Drupal website. With this important first step complete, we will be preparing to migrate all web profiles for faculty starting in January 2021. Read more . . . (254 words)
We are seeking volunteers to serve as College Trained Advisors and/or Board Members for cases of sexual misconduct. Both Advisors and Board Members play a critical role in protecting student rights and enacting due process measures. College Trained Advisors are part of a pool of college employees made available, through the Title IX Office, to complainants and respondents as they go through the investigative and student conduct processes. Advisors are an invaluable supportive measure for participants of the sexual misconduct process, as they offer support, knowledge, and a helping hand throughout the process. Board Members will be called upon for Conduct Review Boards to review all evidence collected during an investigation and presented by Complainants and Respondents during the hearing. This board will present a finding based on the preponderance of evidence. Conduct Review Board members are an essential part of the decision-making process and ensure a fair and equitable experience for all involved parties throughout the duration of the hearing Read more . . . (107 words) Luca Maurer presents during Mid-Atlantic LGBTQA ConferenceContributed by Brittany McCown on 12/14/20
Luca Maurer, director of the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach & Services, served as a presenter during the 13th annual Mid-Atlantic LGBTQA Conference hosted by Bloomsburg University, held virtually this year. Read more . . . (105 words)
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Dr. Janet Galván, School of Music, was the guest in Choralosophy, a podcast devoted to choral musuc. Her conversation was about diversifying choral repertoire. The podcast can be found here:
Dear IC Community: In a time that has challenged us deeply, pulling at our optimism and separating us from each other, I am so proud to announce that the Ithaca College School of Music community has come together to pay tribute to all who have been impacted by the COVID pandemic: to those who have lost their lives and to their loved ones, as well as to the health care professionals and other essential, frontline workers who continue to take personal risks to serve others in their communities. Read more . . . (183 words)
Dear IC Community: In a time that has challenged us deeply, pulling at our optimism and separating us from each other, I am so proud to announce that the Ithaca College School of Music community has come together to pay tribute to all who have been impacted by the COVID pandemic: to those who have lost their lives and to their loved ones, as well as to the health care professionals and other essential, frontline workers who continue to take personal risks to serve others in their communities. Read more . . . (184 words) |
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