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Join IC After Dark Executive Board

Contributed by April Tam on 04/05/06 

What are you doing next year?

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The Office of the Registrar invites applications from qualified current employees of Ithaca College to apply for the assistant to the registrar position. This position provides operational assistance within the Office of the Registrar to include the preparation of reports and maintenance of student information within the online Student Information System.

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Chip Gagnon, Associate Professor in the Dept of Politics, has received the
2006 Best First Book award of the Council for European Studies for his book
The Myth of Ethnic War: Serbia and Croatia in the 1990s. Chip received the
award at the Council's conference in Chicago this past weekend.

Chip's book was also the subject of a special panel at the annual meeting
of the Association for the Study of Nationalities in New York on March 25.

Associate Professor of Politics Naeem Inayatullah has been
active in presenting his work over the last two months.
Here is a list of some highlights:

“Inside Out: From Methodological to Critical Pluralism,” a talk given
at the symposium on Accounting for Culture in Politics, University of
Florida, February 10-11, 2006.

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It is with a great deal of sadness that I inform the campus community that faculty member Mark Alderman, clinical assistant professor of exercise and sport sciences, fell suddenly ill while on campus Tuesday afternoon and passed away. A skilled educator and practitioner, Mark served as an athletic trainer for the College’s sports teams.

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SGA Spring Budget Process

Contributed by Ivan Topalov on 04/04/06 

Now that SGA is no longer accepting allocation requests, we have to move on to our planning for next year. Forms and information regarding the spring budget process (the process in which your organization requests operational funds for 2006-2007) are available online on the SGA website at If you have any questions at all, especially if you have a transitioning executive board, please try to reach me by e-mail at I will begin accepting applications (ONLINE ONLY!) as soon as the forms are available (which should be the night of Monday, April 3rd). The form is simple, and by reading the information regarding the process, many of your questions may be answered. Good luck, and welcome to the process!

Lane Tobias
VP Business and Finance, SGA

¿Quiere practicar su español? Stop by the IC Square from noon to 2:00 p.m. this Thursday and practice your Spanish with IC’s Spanish Club. Coffee and conversation will be brewing!

For more information please contact Yeiry Guevara:
or Annette Levine:

Nos vemos este jueves

Brooke Olson Receives Award

Contributed by Lisa Paciulli on 04/04/06 

The Department of Anthropology is pleased to announce that Brooke Olson was honored by the African-Latino Society...

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The Career Services office is pleased to announce that John Bradac, Director of Career Services, recently received The Distinguished Service to the Commission for Career Development Award at the 2006 American College Personnel Association convention in Indianapolis, IN.

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Jump Rope for Heart Disease

Contributed by Mary Bennett on 04/04/06 

Help Ithaca College fight heart disease and stroke.

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National Alcohol Screening Day® (NASD) is an annual event that provides information about alcohol and health as well as free, anonymous screening for alcohol problems.

Students can access anonymous on-line screening 24/7 by going to the Counseling Center website and clicking on Mental Health Screenings (password:HOPE).

Staff and faculty can access confidential screening at the Tompkins County Public Library from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on April 6. This free service is provided by the Alcohol and Drug Council of Tompkins County (

If you know students who are questioning their use of alcohol or other drugs, please let them know that counselors and a health educator are available to discuss their concerns - call 607-274-3136 to reach the Counseling Center and Health Promotion Program.

Share your love for IC with prospective students! Help recruit the next class of IC students!

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Ever been concerned about your drinking?

There's a quick, anonymous on-line screening that will help you find out whether your drinking might be a problem.

Go to - click on Mental Health Screenings - password HOPE

If you want to speak to a health educator or counselor about your use of alcohol or other drugs, call the Counseling Center & Health Promotion Program - 274-3136.

Originally scheduled for April 4, 2006, the 16-week session has been postponed. This opportunity to begin – or to continue – working on your fitness goals before summer fully sets in will be available for a limited time. There is still plenty of room for you to join us. The session will be scheduled as soon as we get at least 15 prepaid registrations.

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Learn about Distance Learning

Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 04/04/06 

"Distance Learning: Ourselves as Students and Teachers; A Conversation with Colleagues"

Six faculty members analyze their experiences with distance learning programs as doctoral students and as faculty members in this Colloquium. It takes place on Thursday, April 13, from 12:10 to 1:00 p.m., in the Clark Lounge. You are welcome to bring lunch; coffee and treats are provided.

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Physics Cafe: April 11

Contributed by Susanna Stumpe on 04/03/06 

  • Tuesday, April 11
  • 7:30 p.m.
  • Emerson Suites
  • Refreshments offered

  • J.C. Séamus Davis, a captivating speaker from Cornell who has done amazing work on high-temperature superconductivity and imaging techniques that show the wave properties of superconducting materials will give this year's Physics Café.

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    All faculty and staff are cordially invited to attend Alumni Weekend ’06, June 2–4.

    We are extending a special invitation for the Alumni Weekend Picnic and Party on the Quad, Saturday, June 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., in the Campus Center Quad.

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    Designed for musicians and health care providers, the Healthy Musician: Injury Prevention and Intervention program of seminars and hands-on workshops will focus on health and musical performance.

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    This program, offered by the Division of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions, is designed to increase the competence of professionals conducting exercise programs for healthy clients and for people with controlled disease.

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    Erica K Weiss, a Registered Nurse on the fulltime staff at Hammond Health Center since 2001, underwent specialized disaster relief training then spent two weeks in New Orleans as a Red Cross volunteer this January.

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