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Barney Beins (Psychology) has been appointed to the Social Sciences Academic Advisory Committee by the Office of Academic Initiatives of the College Board.

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The family of Trevor Jahn, our student who died tragically in an automobile accident over the Thanksgiving break, asked that the following be sent to the Ithaca College community.

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The Wellness Clinic is now offering massage therapy! This service was previously only available to Wellness Clinic members, but it has now been opened to the Ithaca College Community.

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On behalf of the students, staff, and faculty of Ithaca College, President Peggy R. Williams presented a check for $45,970.34 to the American Red Cross of Tompkins County on Tuesday, December 6. The contribution was the result of a semester-long series of fund-raising activities by the College to help the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

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Holiday Luncheon

Contributed by Pat O'Rear on 12/07/05 

Ithaca College Staff, Faculty, and Retirees,

The Office of Human Resources cordially invites you to celebrate the Holidays and the End of the Year at the 2005 Ithaca College Holiday Luncheon.

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Please join us in the Handwerker Gallery from 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 8 for our second bi-annual open reading. Don't forget to bring poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction to read.

For further information, please contact Handwerker Gallery Assistant Kalia Armbruster at

Please join us in the Handwerker Gallery from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 8 for our second bi-annual open reading. Don't forget to bring poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction to read.

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Senior Athletic Training major Kelly McAree has won a $1,000 undergraduate scholarship from the NYSATA.

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The flagpole at the Public Safety building will be dedicated to the memory of public safety Sergeant Keith C. Lee.

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Just a reminder that you are cordially invited to attend a reception to celebrate the accomplishments of our December 2005 graduates on Sunday, December 11, 2005, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Emerson Suites of Phillips Hall (Campus Center).

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Senior Athletic Training major Sarah Piebes recently won a $2000 undergraduate scholarhsip from the Eastern Athletic Trainers' Association.

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The December 5 edition of Opportunity Knocks, the Career Services e-newletter is now available.

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Publication kudos to an OT alumnus

Contributed by Diane Long on 12/06/05 

Elisa Pomeranz, a 2003 graduate of IC's occupational therapy program wrote an article titled Autism and ABA that was published in the October 31, 2005 Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners.

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Debater shines at Ohio State

Contributed by Scott Thomson on 12/06/05 

Ithaca College's Speech and Debate Team put in a more than repectable performance at Ohio State University this past weekend. First year student Nicole Reustle was both second speaker and finalist in her divsion at the tournament.

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Earlier this year, President Williams and the members of President’s Council charged Dean Saunders and me with the task of creating a diversity website. This website should offer a flavor of the initiatives -- both in the classroom and out -- within the IC community that deal with diversity and tolerance.

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This message only pertains to packages that we have issued pink notices for pick up and will not pertain to mail left in mail boxes or packages held at the Phillips Hall Post Office or College Circle.

All packages that have not been claimed from mail rooms by 4PM on December 16th, 2005 will be forwarded to the permanent address on file.

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Marie Garland, assistant professor, presented her work on the construction of organizational identities in and through built environments at the 11th Colloquium of the Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies (APROS) in Melbourne, Australia on December 6.

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The Reverend James H. Evans, Jr., Ph.D., Litt. D., the Robert K. Davies Professor of Systematic Theology at the Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, will speak at the Ithaca Community Church on Sunday, December 11, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in Muller Chapel.

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To recognize the creative work of our students past and present, the College Archives is displaying an exhibit of student work on the fifth floor of the library (beside the College Archives office).

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A farewell reception for Paula Mitchell, director of admission, will be held from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Thursday, December 15th, in the CLARK LOUNGE of the Campus Center. (PLEASE NOTE THE LOCATION CHANGE.) Faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend.

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