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The Offices of Residential Life and Judicial Affairs are continuing to offer the faculty-to-lunch program. Any faculty member who would like to have lunch in a dining hall with a student or a group of students can do so as our guest.

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A selection of recitals, lectures, and other events on campus during the week.

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This is your opportunity as the fall semester begins to refresh your Parnassus skills. The offices of Financial Services, Budget, and Purchasing are offering three review sessions in lieu of our regularly scheduled "drop in" hours.

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As we begin the academic year, I wanted to let you know that, in an effort to reduce paper use and conserve resources, the 2003-2004 Student Handbook is now online.

2003-2004 Student Handbook

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Adviser Information

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 08/25/03 

Please let your advisees know of the upcoming informational meeting for students interested in the health professions on September 9, 7:00 p.m, in CNS 112.

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Welcome to 2003-2004 at IC

Contributed by J. R. Clairborne on 08/24/03 

Welcome to the 2003-2004 school year and to Intercom, the faculty and staff information center of Ithaca College. Through Intercom, all campus employees can learn about news, events, and developments across South Hill as well as receive news and notices from their IC colleagues.

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In order to protect institutionally owned computers and keep our computing environment safe, up-to-date, and secure, Information Technology Services will periodically update various software programs and perform critical security patches over the College network.

In light of the recent viruses that are seriously disrupting the College network, these updates will begin immediately.

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ITS Computer Virus Alert

Contributed by J. R. Clairborne on 08/23/03 

Please be aware of some new computer viruses that are causing major problems at Ithaca College and elsewhere.

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Noted Ithaca singers, both alumni and employees of Ithaca College, will perform a concert to benefit the Community School of Music and Arts on Sunday, September 14, at 3:00 p.m. in the third floor auditorium of CSMA, 330 East State Street.

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As many of you know, Sheila Reakes, executive assistant to the vice president for student affairs and campus life, has recently accepted the position of assistant director of the annual fund with the Johnson School of Business at Cornell University.

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I am pleased to announce a restructuring of the Office of International Programs.

As a result of this reorganization, which will facilitate the crucial effort to internationalize the curriculum and campus, Assistant Provost Tanya Saunders's new title will be assistant provost and dean of Interdisciplinary and International Studies.

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That's Right! Starting this Sunday, August 24, brunch will be served every Sunday at the Tower Club restaurant.

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In an ongoing effort to attend to the information and technology needs of Ithaca College, we are beginning this fall to explore advancements in student information systems (SIS).

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Our Center for Faculty Excellence will offer the new Wednesday Coffee, the new Mentoring Program, and teaching workshops beginning next week.

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Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Peter Bardaglio has announced the appointment of David Dresser, former associate dean of Health Sciences and Human Performance, to a new, part-time position as coordinator of Academic Achievement and Advising (AAA) Services.

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Ithaca College introduces two new meal-plan options for the campus dining pleasure and convenience of our faculty and staff members.

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Ithaca College is proud to announce that the second phase of the College Circle apartment complex is now officially open.

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Attention Faculty:

As of August 8, 549 courses were migrated from Blackboard to the new WebCT Online Courseware system. All courses now exist in both systems for the fall and spring semesters. Blackboard will be retired in May 2004.

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Kelli Grant ’04 has received honorable mention in this year's Roy W. Howard National Reporting Competition for a series of stories published in last year’s Ithacan.

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Ithaca College once again has been ranked highly by U.S. News and World Report. In the 2004 edition of the magazine’s popular “America’s Best Colleges” edition, the College is tied for seventh place in the north region among institutions in the “master’s universities” category.

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