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As the Ithaca College community continues planning for the 2006-7 budget process, please remember to account for changes in pricing for all your catering and event planning needs.

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This notice is to explain some of the changes that will be occurring regarding the use of folding chairs and tables on campus. For reference purposes these are the folding blue chairs and folding brown tables you see at almost every event, big or small on campus.

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Mary Krenceski from General Electric will be giving a seminar titled "Silicone Polymers: Are YOU using any?"

November 29 at 4:30 p.m, Center for Natural Sciences room 333.

Refreshments will be served at 4:00, all are welcome to attend.

The women's track and field team is selling rubber molded bracelets that say "IC Bombers" for $2. All proceeds go to our hurricane relief effort.

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Hiring for Spring Semester

Contributed by Alyssa Cooper on 11/16/05 

Do you want to make a difference for Ithaca College while earning extra cash?

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This spring, Ithaca College Habitat For Humanity has teamed up with
Cornell HFH and the Tompkins County HFH affiliate to participate in the
"Home in a Box" project. What this undertaking entails is assembling
large-scale components of a house, as well as the rest of the materials
necessary to complete the home; including walls, trusses, doors, windows,
plumbing, etc. All of the materials will then be containerized and shipped
to a destination in the Gulf area and assembled by a local affiliate.

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Join us for an encore presentation of Dream Street on Buffalo Hill, one of the Park School's most successful documentaries. Following the screening, there will be a roundtable discussion featuring the film’s producers, Ken DeGraff and Gossa Tsegaye, and Stephanie Meyer ’06.

Tuesday, November 29
Park Auditorium

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The IC football team will be playing in the first round of the NCAAs at Union College on Saturday, November 19. Game time is scheduled for noon.

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Ray Offenheiser, the president of non-profit organization Oxfam America, will be in Klingenstein Lounge from 5-6 PM on November 28, Monday.

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One of the library's servers will be upgraded on Monday, November 21 and Tuesday, November 22. As a result, there will be no access to the following services: the online catalog, electronic course reserves, and digital audio reserves.

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Contributed for: Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits

The Office of Human Resources wants you to know that access to the on-line re-enrollment process will be available beginning Thursday, November 17th through Friday, December 2nd.

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Sarah Roe, '06, English major, and Rebecca Troutman, '06, Writing major, members of the H & S Honors Program, delivered papers at the Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association Annual Conference in New Brunswick, NJ, Nov. 4th and 5th.

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“One day. One night. One community. Relay For Life is about celebration, remembrance, and hope.”

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Public Safety Alert

Contributed by David Maley on 11/15/05 

On Friday, November 11, at about 8:30 p.m. in the Terrace 11 residence hall, a female student reported to the Ithaca College Office of Public Safety that while exiting from the shower in the women’s bathroom she observed an unknown male leaving the shower area of the bathroom in an unknown direction.

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The Ithaca College Natural Lands Committee is asking members of the College community not to schedule group or individual visits to the Robinson Preserve, and adjacent property owned by the College, in Newfield from November 19 until December 20.

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Students and faculty from the School of Health Sciences and Human Performance presented papers at the MARC meeting in Harrisburg, PA on November 11 and 12, 2005.

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Please be aware that all ITS workshops and drop-in hours that normally take place in Friends 101 (TLC) will be moved across the hall to the Friends 110 Collaboration Lab for the rest of the semester. If you have any questions, please contact Dan Barrow,, 274-1000.

Dancing at Lughnasa

Contributed by Susan Monagan on 11/15/05 

Ithaca College Theatre will present Brian Friel’s Dancing at Lughnasa, winner of three Tony Awards. Performances will be held at 8:00 p.m. on November 29 and December 1, 2, and 3, with 2:00 p.m. matinees on December 3 and 4. All performances will be held in the Clark Theatre, Dillingham Center. Tickets range in price from $4.50 to $10.00 and can be purchased at the Ithaca College Theatre ticket office in Dillingham Center or by calling (607) 274-3224. Group discounts are available.

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3rd Annual Ithaca Idol Contest

Contributed by Erica Shockley on 11/14/05 

Ithaca Idol hosts ten talented, student contestants competing for the coveted honor of being named the 2005-2006 Ithaca Idol Champion.

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Public Safety Alert

Contributed by David Maley on 11/14/05 

On Saturday, November 12, two male students reported to the Office of Public Safety that they had been harassed by three unknown male subjects inside the Emerson Hall residence hall.

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