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Braendle, C., I. Friebe,M.C. Caillaud and D.L. Stern. 2005. “Genetic variation in an aphid wing polyphenisms is genetically linked to a naturally occurring wing polymorphism”. Proc Royal Acad Sci 272:657-664.

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Jason Hamilton's Work Published

Contributed by Nancy Pierce on 05/03/05 

Jason Hamilton, biology, is proud to announce the recently published articles listed below. The first one was coauthored with one of his students, Mihai Aldea.

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It is with a great deal of sorrow that I must inform the campus community of the death of Pearla Monroe.

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Three faculty members from OCLD and one graduate student in communications presented their work at the Eastern Communication Association (ECA) annual conference in Pittsburgh, April 28-May 1.

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The Academic Procession

Contributed by Brian McAree on 05/02/05 

As we prepare for our 2005 Commencement on Sunday, May 15, 2005, I would like to provide you with some information regarding the academic procession.

The procession will form at 8:30 a.m. outside in the academic quad if it’s nice weather, or inside the enclosed walkway beginning at Job Hall and extending through the Campus Center if it is raining. Please see below for information on forming the academic procession if Commencement is indoors. The academic procession will begin at 9:15 a.m. and the Commencement ceremony will begin at 10:00 a.m. All guests will be encouraged to be seated by 9:00 a.m.

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This year's Ad Lab Team, comprised of senior communications and business majors, won the American Advertising Federation's regional student advertising competition in New York City on Friday, April 29. They will compete at the national competition in Nashville, Tenn. in June.

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Pre-MBA Summer Modules

Contributed by Donald Eckrich on 05/02/05 

Even if your undergraduate degree is in a non-business field, you could be enrolled in IC’s one-year MBA program as early as fall 2005 and finish course work in June, 2006.

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Shinagawa Invited to Speak

Contributed by Toni Cooke on 05/02/05 

Larry Shinagawa, CSCRE, was one of three invited speakers for the President's Diversity Forum at Hobart & William Smith Colleges.

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Take It, or Leave It

Contributed by Mark Darling on 05/02/05 

Each year residents discover that it is impossible to fit the contents of their rooms into their car. As a result, many usable items end up in the trash dumpster and on their way to the landfill. We don’t want to let that happen!

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Faculty and staff volunteer speakers are needed for the ongoing, monthly lecture series held at Longview.

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On Saturday, May 7, 2:00-4:00 P.M., Longview, an Ithacare Community will be holding its annual open house.

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The 12th Annual Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference
Williams College, Williamstown MA. April 30, 2005.

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A celebration of the life of Morgan Potter will take place on Sunday, May 1, 2005, at 6:30 p.m. in the Muller Chapel (not at 7:30 p.m. as originally communicated).

Please join the campus community as we rejoice in the accomplishments of this remarkable young man, share our memories, and mourn the loss of his presence.

Motorcycle Parking Policy

Contributed by Lillian Tavelli on 04/29/05 

The Parking Policy Committee has approved the following motorcycle parking policy.

Motorcycles will be allowed to park in any parking spaces in the parking lots that their parking permit allows. There continue to be spaces throughout campus specifically made for motorcycles as follows:

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IC Journal Published

Contributed by Toni Cooke on 04/29/05 

The Ithaca College Journal of Race, Culture, Gender and Ethnicity was published for release on April 26, 2005.

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IC Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) and the Women’s Opportunity Center have partnered to present classes in personal finance and strategic business planning for a home business on May 5th. ALL are invited to attend these free classes!

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ITS is pleased to announce that Mozilla Thunderbird has been chosen to replace the Netscape Messenger e-mail program. Thunderbird has its roots in Netscape Messenger, so users will find a familiar look and feel in Thunderbird.

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9th Annual Northeast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience.
Hunter College, New York, NY. April 2005.

Funding for this trip was provided by the H&S Ithaca Fund and Jean Hardwick’s NIH AREA grant. This conference is specifically for undergraduates working on research in neuroscience to have the opportunity to present their results and interact with other students and faculty doing similar activities at colleges and universities in the Northeast. The following students presented posters.

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Eight students and two faculty were elected to the Sigma Xi Honor Society on Wednesday, April 27, 2005.

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If you are a student who is graduating or permanently leaving the college for other reasons this semester, most of your IC computing accounts will expire shortly after you graduate (or leave).

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