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The washing machine at the fitness center quit working today. Please bring your own towel starting Friday, February 18, until further notice.

The date has been set for the 2005 community fireworks show in Ithaca. The fireworks will be shot from atop the Ithaca College campus on Friday night, July 1, to kick off the local observance of the Independence Day weekend.

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The family carnival committee needs 200-250 empty water bottles with the tops on them for something they're doing at the carnival on Friday, February 25, at the Fitness Center. Instead of throwing your Poland Spring "any kind" water bottle away, recycle it for carnival use.

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LeaderShip VI Invitation

Contributed by Tanisha Malone on 02/17/05 

We are excited to announce that the sixth offering of LeaderShip will begin on April 5–6. Please visit the website: for a detailed explanation of the program including dates and an application form.

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The graduates in speech-language pathology are required to take a competency exam (Praxis) to qualify for licensure. All the Ithaca College students who took the exam passed at a rate 20 points higher than the national average.

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The life of Carlton "Carp" Wood, former outstanding coach, administrator, educator, and charter member of the Ithaca College Athletic Hall of Fame, will be celebrated on Saturday, February 19, 12:30-2:00 pm in the Clark Lounge of the Campus Center at Ithaca College.

Wood passed away in Ithaca on Saturday, February, 12, 2005.

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For the past eight years, the Ithaca College Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program has provided free tax service, including preparation and advice to members of the Ithaca College community. We are pleased to announce that we will again be offering this service.

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Faculty and staff members are often in a position to notice when a student is in difficulty with an eating or exercise disorder. A special panel and roundtable discussions on Monday, February 21, 3:00-5:00 pm in Clark Lounge will explore best practices for individual and institutional responses.

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The Office of Career Services is beginning its peer career adviser (PCA) selection process for the 2005-2006 academic year.

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The Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College is pleased to announce the Independent Media Internship Awards.

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Recent Email System Problems

Contributed by Karen Compton on 02/16/05 

This past weekend the faculty / staff email system was unavailable from 4:00 p.m. Friday, 2/11, until approximately 9:00 a.m. Sunday, 2/13, due to continuing problems with the email storage system. A follow-up email message was sent to all faculty and staff email accounts on Monday, 2/14.

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Attention: Ithaca College Faculty and Staff
Are you a graduate of Ithaca College? Well, let people know it!

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The Center for Student Leadership and Involvement will present the third annual Women in Leadership Experience on Saturday, March 19, 2005. Applications are now available and we'd appreciate your support in promoting this event to students as well as identifying individual students you believe would be interested in attending.

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The annual electrical shutdown is scheduled for Saturday, May 21, 2005, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Please mark your calendars for this annual shutdown on the Saturday following Commencement each and every year.

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The Office of International Programs moved at the beginning of February. We are now located in 214-2, Center for Health Sciences. Our telephone number remains the same, 274-3306. Please stop by to see our new office space, and share this information with your students. Thank you!

Student Driver Safety Class

Contributed by Kristine Slaght on 02/15/05 

An additional student driver safety class has been scheduled for Sunday, February 27, from 2:00-4:00 pm in Textor 101.

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The Corners Gallery at 903 Hanshaw Rd., Ithaca, NY, is where you'll find a "Spring Bouquet" of beautiful floral paintings.

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The James Cox Galery at Woodstock, NY, is ready to show some of their strongest pieces.

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Playwright-songwriter-translator Caridad Svich will hold an open discussion on Thursday February 17, beginning at 12:10 pm at the Clark Theatre, Dillingham Center.

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Culture Link, the Ithaca College School of Music's second annual multicultural music festival, will take place on Friday and Saturday, February 18 and 19, in the third-floor auditorium at the Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA), 330 E. State St., in Ithaca.

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