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Defensive Driving Course

Contributed by Rebecca TenEyck on 10/15/03 

The Office of Alumni Relations, in conjunction with Liberty Mutual Insurance, is sponsoring a defensive driving course to members of the Ithaca College community.

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Yiddish in China

Contributed by Barbara Johnson on 10/15/03 

"The Yiddish Traveler in China: Bridges Across Cultures" will be the topic of a lecture by Professor Irene Eber of Hebrew University, Jerusalem, on Monday evening, October 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge, Egbert Hall.

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Please join us on Thursday, October 30, for financial education seminars presented by a representative from TIAA-CREF.

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An audio conference on "Student Suicide: Institutional Policy, Liability, and Prevention" will be held on Wednesday, November 19. If you would like to attend, RSVP by October 24. For more information, contact LeBron Rankins in the Counseling Center, 274-3136.

Contributed by LeBron Rankins

Ithaca College's seventh annual Etiquette Dinner is rapidly approaching. Cosponsored by the American Marketing Association, Sigma Iota Epsilon, and Career Services, this event provides students with information about proper etiquette and attire when on an interview or at a business meeting where a meal is involved.

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Club and Organization Advisers

Contributed by John Malsam on 10/14/03 

The athletic department is making a major effort to increase student attendance at home athletic events. A first initiative to encourage participation will be a banner contest during the October 25 football game against Utica.

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Ithaca College Holiday Bus Trip

Contributed by Sue Ann Vrzal on 10/14/03 

The fourth annual Ithaca College holiday bus trip to New York City will take place December 6 at a cost of $35 per person. You will need to pay when you sign up to confirm your seat on the bus. No cancellations will be accepted after payment is made.

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iProcurement Training Session

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 10/14/03 

Informal "drop-in" brush-up sessions for Parnassus iProcurement users are held every third Wednesday of the month, 2:00-4:00 p.m., in the West Tower 14th floor conference room. The next session will be held Wednesday, October 22.

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Surplus Sale

Contributed by Gail Wagner on 10/14/03 

The purchasing department is offering new surplus 12-inch, gray plastic electric wall clocks with cord and plug (not battery operated) for $5.00 each.

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Executive producer and Park School alumnus Fred Berner '74 will be present to screen his independent film Speak on Saturday, October 25, at 2:00 p.m. in Park Hall Auditorium.

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The Offices of Conference and Event Services and Catering Services invite the campus community to attend one of two event planning workshops on Thursday, November 6.

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Contributed by Judith Dresser on 10/13/03 

The IC United Way campaign is off to a great start. Cover letters and pledge cards have been delivered in the last couple of days. The Tompkins County United Way has already raised $250,000 -- so let's see how fast we can help that figure multiply!

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The Ithaca College affiliate of the National Coalition Building Institute presents a "Train-the-Trainer" seminar. This event is funded through the New Initiative Fund and will take place Friday-Sunday, October 24-26.

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There will be shortened hours of operation for the Fitness Center and the indoor pool at the Hill Center during fall break.

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Effective October 20, 2003, the rates for renting College fleet vehicles, as well as chargeback amounts for automotive fuel, will change. Given the increases in fuel costs, maintenance, and upkeep of our fleet vehicles, these changes are necessary.

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Ithaca College welcomes new faculty and staff to the campus community:

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Each year the Department of Speech Communication sponsors an oratorical contest that is open to all students on campus. This year's topic is Television and Ethics.

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Budget Process Training

Contributed by Jessica Best on 10/09/03 

Training for the 2004/05 budget process will be offered on Thursday, October 16, 10:00-11:30 a.m. and on Friday, October 17, from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in the Friends 110 computer lab.

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The 2003-2004 Ithaca College telephone directory is being delivered to campus mailboxes this week. It consists of two sections -- a directory of departments, facilities, and offices and a directory of faculty and staff.

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Annual Halloween Extravaganza

Contributed by Casey Malsam on 10/09/03 

Emerson Hall will be the scene of the 14th Annual Halloween Extravaganza. This year's event will be on Sunday, October 26, from 6:00-8:00 p.m.

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