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Megan Roberts, associate professor of television and radio, and her husband Raymond Ghirardo, associate professor of art, participated in the Foundation for Contemporary Art’s Studio Jeleni, an international artist-in-residence program in Prague, Czech Republic.

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Park Productions, the professional production unit in the Park School, was honored with a CINE Golden Eagle Award for the documentary, Breaking the Cycle, by two juries at this year's competition.

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Erica Weiss, a registered nurse in the Hammond Health Center, and Ben Hogben, manager of library access services, are the recipients of the 2003-4 JJ Staff Scholar Awards at Ithaca College.

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Ecologist Joins IC

Contributed by Peter W. Bardaglio on 07/02/03 

I am very pleased to announce that Sandra Steingraber, formerly a faculty member at Cornell University's Center for the Environment, will be joining Ithaca College in the Division of Interdisciplinary Studies as a Visiting Distinguished Scholar for 2003-04 and 2004-05.

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Veterans Day at IC

Contributed by Gina White on 07/02/03 

Members of the Ithaca College Staff Council would like to bring the Veterans Day celebration to campus. We are seeking interested staff, faculty, administrators, alumni, and students to volunteer their time and expertise in a planning committee to assist in developing an annual lunchtime campus-wide celebration on Veterans Day, November 11, beginning this year.

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President Peggy R. Williams will deliver this month's talk as part of the recently inaugurated Enterprising Women series, sponsored by the Program Committee of the City Federation of Women's Organizations.

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The revised schedule for on- campus admission programs for the 2003-2004 school year is now available.

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New Walking Group Reminder

Contributed by Suzanne Connolly on 07/01/03 

A reminder that Out for Lunch, the new lunchtime walking group, meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon outside the Campus Center near the Free Speech Rock.

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Ithaca College welcomes the following additions to the campus community:

  • Maura Keenan, New York City Regional Public Affairs Officer, Development
  • Jeffrey Poth, Facilities Attendant, Physical Plant
  • Brenda Harrison, Facilities Attendant (temporary), Physical Plant
  • Nancy Toffolo, Lab Coordinator, Chemistry
  • Rebecca Plante, Assistant Professor, Sociology
Contributed by Deborah Merriman

Six Flags Darien Lake Trip

Contributed by Sue Ann Vrzal on 06/30/03 

Bus trip to Six Flags Darien Lake
Saturday, August 2, 2003
Cost: $35.00/person -- includes bus, all day ride pass, and water park admission.

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A workshop entitled, "How to Overcome Workplace Negativity" is being offered on July 14 at the Holiday Inn (Elmira Riverview Downtown, 760 East Water Street) in Elmira.

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The Office of Residential Life is seeking the assistance of faculty and staff with a new opening weekend program. The IC PIECES (Providing Ithaca Experiences Connecting Every Student) Program has been created to try to connect new students to each other and to the Ithaca College community.

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Blood Drive

Contributed by Cynthia Smith on 06/27/03 

Some things can be counted on every summer -- people will travel more; kids will play more; and, not coincidentally, the need for blood will increase. Please help make this a summer without blood shortages by scheduling an appointment to donate July 2 in the Emerson Suites here at Ithaca College.

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A portion of the Ithaca College Commencement address delivered by Ben & Jerry's cofounder Ben Cohen was featured in a story by the ABC News program "World News Tonight with Peter Jennings."

See the video

Newswatch 16 Wins AP Award

Contributed by Eloise Greene on 06/25/03 

Left to right: Riemer, Saperstone, Busa, and Aurand
Left to right: Riemer, Saperstone, Busa, Aurand
In a competition that pitted Ithaca College’s student TV newscast against professional newscasts, a Newswatch 16 production was declared "Best regularly scheduled local news program" among small market New York stations. The New York State Associated Press Broadcasters Association presented its annual television and radio journalism awards June 21 in Saratoga Springs.

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The Ithaca College Athletic Hall of Fame will admit 10 new members in its annual induction ceremony on September 12.

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Public Safety Patrol Officer William Kerry was one of 12 local police officers who recently traveled to Albany to compete in the New York State Police Olympics Softball Tournament.

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Ithaca College President Peggy R. Williams has issued the following statement regarding the rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court on affirmative action programs at the University of Michigan.

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Support Our Team - IC Hope

Contributed by Michael McGreevey on 06/20/03 

The Ithaca College community is invited to support the College's Relay for Life team -- IC Hope. The Relay for Life is sponsored by the American Cancer Society.

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On Independence Day, July 4, the fitness center will be closed, but the outdoor pool will be open regular hours. Check out the recreational sports website for any additional information: Recreational Sports

Contributed by Kathy Farley