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Blood Drive

Contributed by Cynthia Smith on 09/24/03 

What does it take for you to survive the day?

For some people survival is a much more serious prospect. Local hospital patients count on volunteer blood donors like you to make their survival possible.

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Passport Photos

Contributed by Fernando Gualtieri on 09/24/03 

The ID Office would like to introduce a new service for the campus community: 2" x 2" photos for passports or other identification purposes.

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In order to promote understanding of AIDS and to offer hope, the Ithaca College AIDS Working Group is sponsoring a panel discussion and a daffodil planting. Both events are free and open to the public.

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Professor of music performance Wendy Herbener Mehne will present a free flute recital on Sunday, September 28, at 4:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music. Guitarist Pablo Cohen and pianist Charis Dimaras will collaborate.

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On Tuesday, September 30, at 8:00 p.m., in Textor 103, Jim Bouton, best known for Ball Four, which the New York Public Library calls one of "the books of the century," will be speaking on his recent book Foul Ball.

Foul Ball tells the story of Bouton's failed attempt to save Waconah Park in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. It is a story of small city politics, stadium financing, and freedom of expression that would not be believed if it were not true.

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The Community Service Committee is composed of faculty, staff, and students who are interested in being involved in the organization and execution of campuswide community service activities.

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On Wednesday, October 1, 1:00-2:00 p.m., there will be a farewell reception for Beth Brunelle in Klingenstein Lounge. Refreshments will be available. Beth, IC's assistant manager of recreational sports, has recently accepted the position of assistant director of recreational sports at SUNY Cortland. Her last day at Ithaca College will be Thursday, October 2.

Contributed by Kathy Farley

Hillendale Golf Course
Saturday, October 11

  • 9:30-10:00 a.m., nine-hole tee time -- $20.00 for 9 holes with cart
  • 11:00 a.m., shotgun start, 18-hole tournament -- $42.00 for 18 holes, cart, and steak or chicken dinner
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    ICGI Team Receives Recognition

    Contributed by Terry Beckley on 09/22/03 

    On September 20, the Ithaca College Gerontology Institute team participated in Memory Walk 2003. It was awarded the top fundraiser corporate team category plaque by the Central New York Alzheimer's Association.

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    The Jewish Community is on the threshold of another new year in the Jewish calendar. The 5,764th Jewish New Year -- Rosh Hashanah -- begins on the eve of Shabbat, the day of rest, falling this year on September 26. The holiday lasts until sundown on Sunday.

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    The Ithaca College chapter of Toastmasters International invites faculty, staff, and students to join us. We meet every other Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. to noon on the Ithaca College campus.

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    Nominations are being sought for students to be included in the national "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges" program. The national organization indicates that nominees should be selected "to honor outstanding campus leaders for their scholastic and community achievement."

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    Meet the Man about the Money

    Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 09/21/03 

    Wednesday Faculty Coffee Break!

    Drop in to the McDonald Lounge in the Campus Center lobby between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. any Wednesday. Enjoy a chat with colleagues and meet a person whose name you know -- or would like to know.

    For more information, see the Center for Faculty Excellence.

    Contributed by Susanne Morgan

    This week's two Faculty Development Colloquia feature professionals who help us support students and not enable self-defeating behaviors.

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    As we reported to you earlier, Ithaca College has contracted with a national provider of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services, Employee Network, Inc. (ENI). You can access your EAP by calling toll free 1-800-EAP-CALL (1-800-327-2255) 24 hours a day. The EAP is a confidential service. For additional information please go to our website, Employee Assistance Program.

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    The deadline for nominations for the IC Choice Award is quickly approaching. All nominations are due by September 25, 2003.

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    The second annual Tompkins County "Fire Fighters Appreciation Day" is this Saturday, September 20, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the Ithaca Commons. Representatives from fire departments and emergency service providers throughout Tompkins County, including fire safety professionals from Ithaca College's Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) group, will be on hand.

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    Cinema on the Edge, the interdisciplinary initiative to connect contemporary media arts with public debate and discussion, launches its fall season with an exciting roster of visiting filmmakers, screenings with panel discussions, and touring film festivals.

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    The new interdisciplinary culture and communication BA degree program is now accepting majors and minors.

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    On August 23 we published an article in Intercom, ITS Remote Updates for Windows Computers. Since then we have been using an automatic process to "push out" critical updates for the Windows XP operating system.

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