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Ithaca College will host Fulbright Visiting Specialist Mohammed Zin Nordin January 12 to February 8, 2006, as a participant in "Direct Access to the Muslim World," a special Fulbright initiative designed to expand understanding of Islamic societies and cultures.

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Premium Blend Winter Concert

Contributed by Amy Sholk on 11/28/05 

On Friday, December 2nd at 8pm, Ithaca College's all-female a cappella group will perform in Emerson Suites.

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Beginning this fall, the Park School will require all incoming first-year students to purchase a laptop equipped with a uniform software suite. The laptop program will allow faculty to increase integration of computer applications in the classroom, and eventually reduce the demand for fixed-station labs within the school.

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On Tuesday, December 6, 2005, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., we will be participating in a Web conference entitled "Electronic Portfolios: Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Assessment." This conference is open to interested faculty, staff, and administrators, and will be held in the north meeting room, Campus Center.

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Some of the most beloved music in the classical repertoire will be performed by the Ithaca College Symphony and Chamber Orchestras on Monday, December 5 at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall. Jeffrey Grogan will conduct, and violinist Susan Waterbury and cellist Elizabeth Simkin will be featured in Johannes Brahms’ “Concerto for Violin and Violoncello in a minor, opus 102.” Waterbury and Simkin both teach music performance at the School of Music, and also are active as performers.

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Winter Choral Concert

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck on 11/28/05 

Four of the Ithaca College School of Music choral ensembles will perform a free concert on Sunday, December 4 at 3:00 p.m. in Ford Hall on the Ithaca College campus. Lawrence Doebler and Elizabeth Swanson will conduct.

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Three Free Jazz Concerts

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck on 11/28/05 

Three free jazz concerts are coming up at Ithaca College. The Ithaca College Vocal Jazz Ensemble, directed by Lauri Robinson-Keegan, will offer a “Tribute to Ella Fitzgerald” on Tuesday, November 29 at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall in the James J. Whalen Center for Music. The Jazz Workshop big band directed by Keaton Akins will perform on Wednesday, November 30 at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall with guest saxophonist Mike Dubaniewicz, and the Jazz Workshop led by Steve Brown will present a concert on Friday, December 2, also at 8:15 p.m. in Ford Hall.

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Faculty, alumni, and students from the Department of Theraputic Recreation and Leisure Services offered a variety of presentations on a range of topics related to recreation services at the Cortland Recreation Conference on November 3, 2005.

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The IC Department of Theatre Arts presents a benefit staged reading of Wishing Aces by New Orleans playwright Rosary O'Neill, a prophetic play about four people trapped by a hurricane in a New Orleans railroad station.

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The IC Department of Theatre Arts presents a benefit staged reading of WISHING ACES by New Orleans Playwright Rosary O'Neill, a prophetic play about four people trapped by a hurricane in a New Orleans railroad station.

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World AIDS Day Events

Contributed by Erica Weiss on 11/27/05 

World AIDS Day is Thursday, December 1.

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This Is Your Lucky Day!

Contributed by Anne Woodard on 11/24/05 

Feeling down because you missed the chance to sign up for the next Weight Watchers session and now you have eaten way too much over the holidays? Well, today is your lucky day -- there is still time to sign up! Better yet, the new session has not started yet, so you won't be behind the rest of the group if you sign up today! We hope to begin the session on Tuesday, November 29th but we need 2 more participants. Could that be you?

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It is with a great deal of sadness that I inform the campus community of the death of one of our students. Senior Trevor Jahn was killed early Wednesday morning in an automobile accident while home during the Thanksgiving break. An applied economics major at Ithaca, he was also a cadet in the Army ROTC program at Cornell University.

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Be a Peer Recruiter!

Contributed by Cheryl Horihan on 11/23/05 

Help The Office of Admission Recruit the Next Class!

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The United Way Campaign at Ithaca College is very hopeful of meeting its goal of $60,000.

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The year-long film series "Out of the Closet and Onto the Screen: The Many Meanings of Family" continues with two screenings this week. No Dumb Questions will be screened on Wednesday, November 30 at 7:00 p.m. in Textor 102. On Thursday, December 1 at 7:00 pm in Textor 103, One+One will be screened.

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The Ithaca College chapter of Phi Kappa Phi held its annual fall awards and induction ceremony on Friday, November 11.

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I am pleased to announce the formation of the President's Advisory Committee on Diversity. This important committee will be co-chaired by Marie Garland, assistant professor of organizational communication, learning, and design, and Roger Richardson, assistant vice president for student affairs and campus life.

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Robin Hadlock Seeley, Cornell University
"MAYDAY! Alien Invasions in Marine Communities"

Thursday, December 1
4:00 p.m.
CNS 112

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The next meeting for the informal education and support group for employees dealing with care giving issues is scheduled for Friday, December 2, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in room 413 of the Center for Health Sciences (Gerontology Resource Room).

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